help me guys info needed damp proofing knowledge a must!!!!!

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New Member
how long after someone has had damp proofing treatment can you hack off the old hollow sounding plaster thats been effected by the damp..... and re plaster????? also a company has said to a friend of mine they would use a low salt plaster for the job????? what are they talking about and does it matter.... i was gonna use bond it and then skim?????? help help help ;D
Normally the old plaster is hacked of to a height of 1200mm min or 200mm above the dampest point (the min being 1200m) then DPC installation takes place , i now use dryzone but there are many options available to you, then re plaster using 3:1:1 sand cement with water proof er and salt inhibitor and skim, or limelight, dri-coat and skim , Never use a gypsum based backing coat and nowadays i always tank up to a height off 1200 mm when i do a damp course then render and skim ( a bit belt n braces but guarantee is solid) 8)
Bigegs i think your right mate could do with a dedicated section on damp ???
tried to explain to a customer today the difference between condensation and penetrating damp...causes and cures... just p'ssin in the wind man.. ended up just going 'trust me, its not damp ok?'

and then felt a twonk for sayin 'trust me'..
problem is people post up with the bare bones of a possible potential problem, using 2nd hand information and a poor description which can lead to the wrong advise being given..
(not in this case platinum)
but even this job described here..
how many legit dp companies go in and inject and THEN hack off??
and 'low salt' plaster? wtf?
so platinum mate, youve only been plasterin 5 minutes and you wanna involve yourself in a potential f'ck up of which you know next to nothing about.. no disrespect intended but take some useful advise... leave it..
trust me ;)
very surprised that the people that done the damp proof aren`t doing the plaster work something smells fishy i would leave well enough alone
Ive offen wondered that aswell why do you think they dont ?
I know they price the re render work at around £30 pm2 so why not do it ?
When i used to do this work the plaster was hacked of before injecting .Ime not a fan of injecting some bricks it will not work on and often or not it is not done properly and the whole of the brick is not penetrated i have seen this with walls that i have pulled down that had previously been injected break the brick in half and you can see how far the sillicone has penetrated.Ultimately it is the render that holds back any rising or penetrating damp if this fails and their is a call back the damp company will wriggle out of it and send a sample of the render to the lab for analysis if it comeS back not to spec you are in S***. As has been said before if you dont know what you are doing leave well alone.
Seeing that its a friend its a difficult one to walk away from. Have a look at the spec thats required to meet the guarantee and make sure you follow it to the letter, like previously said the damp company will try to wriggle out of it given 1/2 a chance. They might even spec that you use their own products and rip you off price wise but its all about not giving them a chance to come back at you.
If they spec a certain mix for s&c make sure that you gauge it out properly as well.

Come on chaps the lad asked for a bit of help to help his mate out no need to shoot him down, if we dont ask we dont know.
hi platinum
worked for a local damp company for 6years on the books doing the plastering,we used to chop off to a meter then the dpc was injected but nowadays they use a gel that gives of no odour or mortar injection depends if its on stone work or brick,if its really damp leave the plaster off for as long as poss to realese the drying out salts,1 inch of brickwork per month in extreme cases,then we would apply two coats of sbr tanking and render using washed plastering sand with waterproofer in both scratch and float coat ,try not to use building sand as this is full of salts naturually ,then skim never had any come backs with this company and theyve been at it for 30 years
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