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New Member

My name is Skinny (obviously a nickname!! ) Not that I am Skinny anymore tho! Just thought I would join this forum & get some ideas. I have been running my business for about 10 years & I guess this credit crunch is effecting us all in one way or another. I wondered what the best way to go forward with advertising would be & what has worked for any of you in the past?
I have given up with yellow pages! I have a website.
Look forwards to any tips!
Hi Skinny, Welcome to the forum have you got your van sign written ? Also get some builders boards made up and leave them outside jobs where you are working, post business cards or flyers through doors up and down the street or road near where you have doing some work to let poeple know your have been in the area .
Thanks for your reply, yes I have my van sign written, I get my labourer to post flyers thro doors when I am working, I was thinking about signs outside houses that I am working in - good idea - its all about getting your name seen I guess! Work is slow over the last 3-4 weeks, guess it will pick up for Xmas (hope so!) - usually does.
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