Yes Mr Spoon, this is my third recession but the first time I've run completely dry. Xmas and all that don't help, especially for domestic work. Trouble being, take me away from my work and I somehow shrink, building sites are my natural enviroment I miss the craic and the banter and the sheer relief of falling asleep exhausted after a creative day of transforming walls and ceilings. I start to dream of spot boards full of pink plaster and walls of exactly 6 feet 5 inches (My plastering reach) high and ceilings I can reach from the floor, in my dreams a vision of the virgin mary appears in the trowelmarks and the archangel Gabriel tells me to hack it off and sell it on ebay. I then retire from plastering to become a naked nagar saddhu sitting astride the glazier at gangotri at the source of the holy mother ganges with a weight attached to my penis whilst silmultaneously shagging the spiritually searching gap year girls of Israel. I then wake with a start in a cold sweat and think, f**k, I NEED to get back to work. Happy new year to you all. Ron K xx