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New Member
Hello all!
migrated from the UK spreads forum, s**t me is it boring over there now, hardly anyone there so many people got banned, it was like a frigging dictatorship on there.
dont worry bigbud is here ......he hasnt posted yet .. probably still got the newboy nerves ???..............anyway welcome mate and feel free to slag off the bnp ;)
gangsta-spread said:
Hello all!
migrated from the UK spreads forum, S*** me is it boring over there now, hardly anyone there so many people got banned, it was like a frigging dictatorship on there.

welcome gangsta but be warned you may not get back into ukspreads now you have spoken out..........Bigbud is here and i think he may have posted............Im on to you...lol.

It is very quiet over there at the min I am told, also the paid membership thing si going down the swanny tooo...

Welcome any how and hope to see you on here a lot

All the best

ebuilds gone quiet aswell or have they banned posts again ???
welcome gangsta spread...dont worry about big bud..he just thinks hes the man...which he aint...talks alot of shite to alot of newbies to make himself look better ....... he aint even brave enough to come to the light here..rather hide in the shadows....probably catching tips from the rest of us.....
And big bud if your reading this suck my left one fatboy..you learnt to handle distemper yet?... i havnt hacked your site recently...could be time to have some fun.....oh and while im at it that wall you put on your site in the backery...if your finished by 3 how many of you doing it lol, cause i know you didnt do it on your jack jones, your fat old carcass couldnt move that quick.
If anyones takes offence to this as their bigbums mate...you can suck my right one, you should have decent mates instead of bullshit liars as chums.....sorry rant over
spunkybum said:
flynny are you a mod on ebuild and are you talking about simply?

I dont think there are any mods on ebuild one of the reasons bigbud set up his own forum coz they wouldnt tell me off for takin the piss lol. simply, darkslide, blones whatever he goes by these days....we have the crack all harmless fun you probably know what he goes by on this forum but i wouldnt like to say. :)
yep just had a look it all seems to be peachy again ;D......blones has got to be wardog fook knows who simply is ???
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