hello from leeds !

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New Member
I am about to start my journey into becoming a plasterer .
In the past twelve months i have lost both my other businesses to the recession so have now decided to do the job I have always really wanted to do .
As alot of you will no doubt inform me the trade is on its backside at this time but I can only reply that every trade is the same so i may as well be doing something i enjoy for peanuts rather than something I hate especially as i am getting on a bit now .
My course details have arrived this morning after visiting the local college on Thursday and I am booked in for my citb test this Thursday coming so i can be enrolled onto the 36 week course ,obviously I will be looking for some kind of work placement to gain real world experience alongside the path to been qualified .

so there it is in a nutshell .

hello .
ayup mash hows things and welcome!
how old are you?
where abouts in leeds are ya?
ayup mash hows things and welcome!
how old are you?
where abouts in leeds are ya?

hello , im located near the city centre and im 38 , yes i know its old in some peoples opinion to be getting into plastering but i know its right for me so im going to go through with it .
nice one mate!! bat on its your life, starting at this age means youll have the use of your arms for longer:RpS_wink:
I'm from Normy mate
Alreet Marra, welcome....ya never too old to learn new skills............Just ask the claymonster............AKA Morph, Sheldon, Micky Love & Southern mud slinger........................little word of advice though bayblade. You'll never get all ya gear on that fireblade and you'll need a tube for ya corner beads.............:RpS_thumbup:
nice one mate!! bat on its your life, starting at this age means youll have the use of your arms for longer:RpS_wink:
I'm from Normy mate

well its going to be a culture shock and thats for sure as in the past decade or so i have been used to getting paid from the neck up not the neck down !

but hey ho as long as i can keep paying the bills i dont see any problem i wont be able to overcome .
Alreet Marra, welcome....ya never too old to learn new skills............Just ask the claymonster............AKA Morph, Sheldon, Micky Love & Southern mud slinger........................little word of advice though bayblade. You'll never get all ya gear on that fireblade and you'll need a tube for ya corner beads.............:RpS_thumbup:

phoned the honda dealers this morning and unfortunately they dont have a roof rack in stock for my model !

38? Ouch

good luck mate

yeah sounds bad but i dont drink smoke or do drugs so aslong as i can beat the cheeseburger addiction i think i will be ok .

thanks guys
well its going to be a culture shock and thats for sure as in the past decade or so i have been used to getting paid from the neck up not the neck down !

but hey ho as long as i can keep paying the bills i dont see any problem i wont be able to overcome .
you trying to say that plasterers are thick :RpS_scared:
you dont drink??? what the fook:RpS_scared: what ya gonna do when youve finished work go straight home:RpS_thumbdn:

is this you
Alright bud, you don't drink, smoke, or do drugs???? You'll never make it as a plasterer!:RpS_lol::RpS_thumbsup:
I am about to start my journey into becoming a plasterer .
In the past twelve months i have lost both my other businesses to the recession so have now decided to do the job I have always really wanted to do .
As alot of you will no doubt inform me the trade is on its backside at this time but I can only reply that every trade is the same so i may as well be doing something i enjoy for peanuts rather than something I hate especially as i am getting on a bit now .
My course details have arrived this morning after visiting the local college on Thursday and I am booked in for my citb test this Thursday coming so i can be enrolled onto the 36 week course ,obviously I will be looking for some kind of work placement to gain real world experience alongside the path to been qualified .

so there it is in a nutshell .

hello .

is it leeds building tech?
is it leeds building tech?

hi yes thats with the leeds collage of building certainly not one of these weekend warrior courses although i dont expect to be a full on "tradesman" once the course is over however at least it will hopefully guide me and show to others a willing and basic understanding of what is generally required .
Hopefully i can pick up some real experience during the course then once it over its just a case of gaining more experience over time as obviously thats something you cant just go out and buy over the counter .

Then depending on the situation hopefully i can set up by myself and go from there once i comfortable with myself and im satisfied i can produce the goods to an acceptable standard .
Alreet Marra, welcome....ya never too old to learn new skills............Just ask the claymonster............AKA Morph, Sheldon, Micky Love & Southern mud slinger........................little word of advice though bayblade. You'll never get all ya gear on that fireblade and you'll need a tube for ya corner beads.............:RpS_thumbup:
Many years ago i did get my lad to hold a bag of tools on the back of my old CB900 , stupid things you do when your young
Alright bud, you don't drink, smoke, or do drugs???? You'll never make it as a plasterer!:RpS_lol::RpS_thumbsup:

im sure the job will soon drive me too them

welcome to the forum mate :RpS_thumbsup: and good luck with your new venture:RpS_scared:


one life one god live it, hope it works out for you but why plastering.
should of done it years ago to be honest ,an ex girlfriends dad was a plasterer and i should have gone to more jobs and paid more attention its one of my lifes only regrets to be fair .

things have changed for me in recent years with the recession etc but now i feel its more important to be happy in my work than chasing pound notes .

Hello and good luck.:RpS_thumbup:
hi yes thats with the leeds collage of building certainly not one of these weekend warrior courses although i dont expect to be a full on "tradesman" once the course is over however at least it will hopefully guide me and show to others a willing and basic understanding of what is generally required .
Hopefully i can pick up some real experience during the course then once it over its just a case of gaining more experience over time as obviously thats something you cant just go out and buy over the counter .

Then depending on the situation hopefully i can set up by myself and go from there once i comfortable with myself and im satisfied i can produce the goods to an acceptable standard .

good facilities at leeds, i did my apprenticeship there many moons ago. you seem to have the right attitutude.
thanks for that .

maybe i could pick your brains at some stage in the future if thats not too cheeky to ask ?

no bother, thats the aim of a plastering forum to pick lads brains about products, techinques etc.
i dont do any plastering these days.I run a rendering firm, mainly use modern renders, machine rendering,monocouche, thin coat systems, acrylics, EWI'S etc
nah im a good drive north away,about an hour. the otherside of Skipton, north yorkshire but i did my time at leeds as that was the closest college at the time, worked a lot around leeds tho in my plastering days, so i know it well.
nah im a good drive north away,about an hour. the otherside of Skipton, north yorkshire but i did my time at leeds as that was the closest college at the time, worked a lot around leeds tho in my plastering days, so i know it well.

why the decision not to do plaster work anymore , was in market driven or personal choice ?
why the decision not to do plaster work anymore , was in market driven or personal choice ?

bit of both really, i ran a plastering/doing odd rendering project outfit doing site work until end of 2008 when the arse fell out of it, and the rates were that poor on site, so then diversified into rendering full time and been there ever since.
9 areas halton moor isnt it?

thats a combination of 9 and mainly 15 , but yes im local to those areas .

lived round here approx 30 years ,lots of family about .
could of moved to what some would say is a more desirable area a few times but to be honest im fine where i am .
bit of both really, i ran a plastering/doing odd rendering project outfit doing site work until end of 2008 when the arse fell out of it, and the rates were that poor on site, so then diversified into rendering full time and been there ever since.

do you think there will be an upturn within the trade in the next few years or do you think market forces and cheap imported labour have finished the situation for good ?
hard to tell with out my crystal ball.
but i think plastering on site is finished to be honest,certainly moneywise. you can make a good living plastering on domestics but it depends on your area and contacts. i guess.the problem with plastering is scanderlously its seen as a semi trade nowadays, where imo its the most skillfull trade about, certianly wet trade wise.
renderings the game to be in if you know your stuff and have contacts etc.
but you walk before you run, learn how to plaster to good standard first eh.
hard to tell with out my crystal ball.
but i think plastering on site is finished to be honest,certainly moneywise. you can make a good living plastering on domestics but it depends on your area and contacts. i guess.the problem with plastering is scanderlously its seen as a semi trade nowadays, where imo its the most skillfull trade about, certianly wet trade wise.
renderings the game to be in if you know your stuff and have contacts etc.
but you walk before you run, learn how to plaster to good standard first eh.

most definitely , i great believer in what gets built up slowly comes down slowly too .

even with my limited knowledge it certainly appears to me that the majority of commercial work seems to be board and tape type stuff rather than the tradition plastering these days which although i wouldn't turn my back on i feel i would prefer to be doing domestic anyway .
still a lot of skimming and float and set on site, its just that in most cases the money is poor.
there some lads on here and thats all they do and seem to make a living from it, its horses for courses i guess.
still a lot of skimming and float and set on site, its just that in most cases the money is poor.
there some lads on here and thats all they do and seem to make a living from it, its horses for courses i guess.

beggers cant be choosers i guess so i will just have to wait and see how things are once im alot further down the line .
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