Have i under cut me self

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iv taken on a reskim its hall stairs and landing plus living room plus small back room.

the price i gave was £755 including mats iv just done it in 4 days but i keept the labourer on the hole time not just the 2 days i planned as there was a lot of prep and cleanin ect (im findin labs very very handy!)

so 4 days spend £120 on mats and £200 labour so i got £435! plus tax! reali hard work to! did a gr8 job dow! maybe next time £900-£1200 would be a better price...?

just feel like i have to go low cuz of the c**ts out there!

i would have taken £535 if i dint keep the lab on but i needed the help...and i will be priceing one in next time.
you answer your own question, in quoting I always look to take 200 a day for me and work it from there how many days mats etc
iv cut me welf down to about £140 a day just so i can get some work in..kids and all.....feel like im workin reali hard for Fall
ive just quoted a h/s/l at 950 ......2 days work on me tod sat/sun 140 on mats
mate you are going through a process called live and learn, it will happen all the time on jobs through out your career don't take it to heart just try to get more right than wrong and you will be ok
average h/s/l i'll go in at £750, average living room £450, small room £300ish. you went in way to cheap mate!
ta yea,,funny the lab makes 200 i make 430 lol ah well been done befor i shall think about it more before i rush a quote back..
i think iv just doen it again lol i ave a quote back 2 days ago..

the house is gutted and empty

so overboard kitchen celing and skim..(small kitchen)

skim the walls 2...half walls..

skim small bath room after tiles have come off...

price £590 all in..?
Your right mate but your labourer will not be around forever ....... you are trying to build a reputation for yourself as a plasterer so think long term do each job the best you can ..... and the phone will keep ringing , go at it like a bull in a china shop and people will not pass on your name .
how much ??? ???...........i would have gone in at 375-450 ish 3/4 a day in the kitchen and prep the bathroom then a set the next day
lol iv got the job as well..profit 4 2days will be the same as the last 4iv just done!!!! lol gota sort that out ..
church said:
I give up bollox to it
? i am listening.......lol i do a good just everytime...sept the time i went out till 5am an went in at 7am..painter will have to be a good one there..but yea allways clean tidy and smooth!
The way i look at it, is that even if you have undercut yourself you are still earning. You are building up a reputation and your vans not sitting on the drive.
thats wot iv tryed to say to my self all day,,hummm yea got be better that look at her all day! shed have me fixin alsorts!
like someone said earlier.....just keep on earning-some you win some you lose and there 100% right in saying if your work is good and price is right you will get repeat work from it.
most important thing is to be working every day or at least working most and quoting and doing paper work.
your not alone in quoting to little mate,the job im on now i quoted £900 to board and skim a loft conversion he supplied the boards and had the wood so all i add to supply was the beads and board finnish (15 beads 4 bonding 7 board finnish and 1000 screws scrim or £100 materials wityh change)
first day on the job realised i cant get the 8-4s up 2 flights on me own and i built the studing for 8-4s so got a labourer to help me it took 2 days to board with his help-paying him £50 a day.
i got another day to do the bonding on one chimney ( curved so time consuming ) and set all the beads.It will also take 2.5 good days to skim it al as it aquard shapes confined areas and curved ceilings.
so i will have spent 6-7 days on a job and will receive about £700 after the paying out when i thought it would take 4 days.

the thing with plastering is all jobs are different /two jobs are rarely the same so it can be hard to quote at times you can only compare with something simalar you have done the rest is down to luck!!!!!!!!!!
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