have i got it realy realy wrong???????

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hi,fellas,i was told by a builder i was mental & i'm making a rod for my back for using 2 coates when skimming? quote=plasterers may have used 2 coates 30,40 yrs ago but get with the times,all the best modern plasterers only do 1 coat. i'm not talking 1 coat plaster,i'm talking b/f multi. i argued,yeah probably on a student halls of residence but he said strictly domestic?
hes a **** and lying mate, most spreads I know two coat (not out of the same mix), its nothing to do with being decent or not, it gives a much better finish hands down, regardless of how good you are, and some backgrounds (over skims, all different surfaces and suctions) need it, or the finish will be an over troweled mess
Builders are the most arrogant knowitall toss pots known to man, hes probably just trying to get you to do more for less, as they always do.
Double your price let him knock 50 percent off you leave it rough get paid leave him to take the s**t once painted. Builder scum
I absolutely agree with this!!
hes a **** and lying mate, most spreads I know two coat (not out of the same mix), its nothing to do with being decent or not, it gives a much better finish hands down, regardless of how good you are, and some backgrounds (over skims, all different surfaces and suctions) need it, or the finish will be an over troweled mess
I've heard it before aswell mate from builders.

Here's a few that have been said to me:
" Just slap it on in 1 it's a shitole"
"just bollok it on mate it's a rental"
"don't worry about to much prepping"
"can you put silk paint in the artex save us going back" WTF!!:RpS_laugh:
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