Hardwall Help

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OK so to day as you can see iv striped walls wet up and PVA/Bonding agent walls.

was going to dab out walls but old plaster was on quite thin so i was going them out only a small area.
another spread i use couldt come to day as you all am inexperienced in backing out. but always willing to learn.

iv read on here alot about layin on on screeds. i had some left over hard wall and thought i might attempt ot build a level screed to work of the next day (i know but it was late on in the day)

lashed it all on and used a straight edge and a level to get what i think is a fairly level line to work off.

i take i could do this way on any wall to make it easier to get a decent level?

also as you can see in bedroom dabbed out sides as there was room but not on face as there was no room.

any help on basics with this work would be helpful

Hardwall Help

Hardwall Help

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Hardwall Help
Yup gave a good dusting down and dink as you can see!!! and the mask is ONLY for website photos! ;D

Hardwall Help
oasis why dont you try and get the next few jobs all to have wet plastering. that way you can get the experience you need
You seem to have the basic idea of how to do the screeds right apart from the fact they should be at the ends (internals) of the walls.
and i suppose if youve done the rest of the wall and you've got a 2ftpanel left to do and the screed isnt in the internal angle, your gonna be mostly ruling off wet plaster, which defys the point in screeds?
I do this

l l

Then fill in the top then the bottom.

that is meant to show one big screed alone the middle of the wall.
shoulda tried with the fire place. put beads up and float it out. its not hard

personally wouldnt bother with hard screeds, i got taught to put on in 2 screeds to level wall and then fill while still wet, works well.



IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rule both across, then level them with each other, fill gaps. average wall should take half hour. just dont be too heavy handed when ruling off. rule across till filled. then once from bottom to top. each screed bout 3 blocks high.
well spotted fanny ....

Dont hardwall it oasis if its single skin, it would be like wrapping the entire wall in one big panty liner
richardbrown said:
screeds are b*ll***s

Screeds are the nuts 8)

______________________ ____________________________________

Up to about 3m 3m to -----------

This is how I use screeds, the screeds are about 350mm wide, I then fill in between the screeds only coming down the wall about 400mm at a time.
It's a very accurate, quick and easy method.
richardbrown said:
well spotted fanny ....

Dont hardwall it oasis if its single skin, it would be like wrapping the entire wall in one big panty liner


anyhow, side ways screeds humm looks better that way. also what about areas like above doors and under windows? do you just apply screeds to work?

that's the ruling side.what about about the next stage? rubbing up with a float? why do we do this and how or when as i had a go and all i did was drag the thing over it and made it look crap lol.

and this one is for render king Andy can we use the same method on S&C?
by the way this has been very helpfull cant wait to try out tomorrow!

when filling in do you guys lay on 2 passes if old blockwork? i did today sometimes 3 attempts lay on area then start again straight away.
and i used bonding agent as the walls were all blowen and i fort why not bit of extra security!
essexandy said:
richardbrown said:
screeds are b*ll***s

Screeds are the nuts 8)

______________________ ____________________________________

Up to about 3m 3m to -----------

This is how I use screeds, the screeds are about 350mm wide, I then fill in between the screeds only coming down the wall about 400mm at a time.
It's a very accurate, quick and easy method.
i'm pretty sure we'll all agree that as long the wall are upright and level. doesn't matter how it goes on. but i'm with andy on this. that's the way i was shown and how i teach/show anyone.. ;)
the way i said i got taught we lay all screeds in 2 passes. work left to right putting on pushing up, then come back accross laying a bit over going across so screed is quite level before u rule it.

for door frames just rule off frame and then check its flat after.

windows. do one side of window at a time ruling off beads. then rule under window from ur side screeds. rule top off beads
oasis said:
richardbrown said:
well spotted fanny ....

Dont hardwall it oasis if its single skin, it would be like wrapping the entire wall in one big panty liner


anyhow, side ways screeds humm looks better that way. also what about areas like above doors and under windows? do you just apply screeds to work?

that's the ruling side.what about about the next stage? rubbing up with a float? why do we do this and how or when as i had a go and all i did was drag the thing over it and made it look crap lol.

and this one is for render king Andy can we use the same method on S&C?

well is it single skin? rubbing up is to provide a key (mechanical) for your finish this is covered on page one of the forum in the beginners section ;)
oasis said:
and this one is for render king Andy can we use the same method on S&C?

That's very sweet of you Oasis :-*
This is the method I use with either S&C or Hardwall. Float the walls when the backing coat is firming up, it needs to be firm enough that you are not going to push it about and change the shape of the wall you've just spent so long getting nice and straight and flat, fill any holes or small hollows left after ruling, the fussier you are with the floating coat the easier it will be to set.
steve cov said:
how longs your rule andy?!!
I carry a range of about 6 or 7 sizes but the longest is about 2.5m which I find perfect for doing the screeds on the ground floor of most new builds but when filling in between the screeds I tend to use the 1.8 and 2.3 rules as these are easier to handle and clean back of onto the spot board.
The thing is your not supposed to us bonding agents with hardwall, just dust off & dampen down!
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