dont be a bunch of muppets use eml then universal one coat plaster by gypsum..has more addhesive in it than bonding does.then skim area 2 coats with fibres in 1st coat.....but either way use eml (expanded metal lathe) is a must in my book which is attached to lathes first either by staples or screws.( or in bigger areas plasterboard )........then pva to seal dust then universal or bonding...but universal is better...probably get slated for this ...but... i do these day in day out...a good 60% of my work is on period property victorian , georgian and older........really guys use each their own tho not trying to tell me grandmother how to lay eggs ............., saying that if its a very small area just plaster would be ok with some scrim over the top then skim...but not in that picture that tuk has put up i would def use eml in that situation or bigger areas.
ive heard kebab king uses gingster pie rappers, as that whats in his van!
as stated by someone hardwall is for high suction and hardwalls!...bonding works but one coat better....
doing a restaurant ceiling patchup work in about 1/2 an hour today.....lathe and plaster and i will be using eml one coat then skimming...its the way forward..cause i know it will last!
If your useing universal one coat, surely you don't need to skim it.
As it's designed for one coat.