hang around a bit longer

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New Member
eny 1 got tips on what to add to plaster finish to make it stay soft abit longer was told bicarbonate of soda.was doing larg ceiling not so long back coulda used sumit.only want tips that will go of some time lol.
apparently dry liining adhesive mate, 2 handfulls per skimming bucket..............never tried it meself though :-/
Not 2 sure what makes it hang about longer mate..mix it wetter lol. Ive been doping my multi with cement recently to make it go off quicker the cold damp weather seems to be making it hang around a fair bit longer on the house im on just now.
Rubbish you dont put any additives in finish because it has a controlled setting time, it contains chemicals etc so there might be a reaction there, causing loss of adhesion, it has a long enough set on it to get plenty on,IMO
try being a bit quicker, failing that only mix a bag at a time giving you extra time other than that your stuffed as finish is it what it is
what happened to bod?? seems the blokes dissapeared? anyway, he had a good tip, apparently if you p'ss in the water it hangs around for ages, just a little bit mind....
yeh come back bod ........he must have been on the wind up mate it'll send it off
while were on the subject my mate had a crap in a bucket on site, he had bog roll on a bit of copper pipe ...all proper then he came out with it to show it off proud as punch ;D ;D.......dirty barstuard ;D
ive seen lads getting boards in, it was a windy staircase so there was a lad on each level and they passed the boards through the middle, they had to grab the board and pull it up and tight to there chest/faces to get the leverage ........the lads at the bottom were all gobbing on the boards ;D
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