hairline crack to repair

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New Member
After most of my upstairs rooms heve been reskimmed have been reskimmed
Please could you advise how to repair vertical cracks that have appeared on some of the corner beads either side

Happy New Year to all

Hello Mate
You may get away with some caulk to solve it, this happened to me once and ever since that time I now always use srim on all beading, takes a bit longer but you know they won't crack
for your advise but which would the best way to repair

eg.. open the crack with a stanley knife and use which repair compound and sand down with which grade of sandpaper

shouldnt have cracked in the first place..
any old powdered filler...
fine sandpaper...
if the corners had timber beads before and they werent removed thats why its cracked
or theyve not been stuck on too well...
for your advise but which would the best way to repair

eg.. open the crack with a stanley knife and use which repair compound and sand down with which grade of sandpaper


Uve pretty much answered ur own question fella.

I use a hammer and a bolster down the cracks ,then fill with sand and cement 1.2 ratio will never crack again,sands like a dream too.
Chris W is right, shouldnt have happened,

little trick when skimming beads, i know nobody does it but use scrim tape down both sides of the beads and skim over, it reinforces the beads and makes cracking imposssible...
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Thanks for all your advise i am going back to the plasterer and asking him to repair
I am not going to hire him again but i will ask him WHY??????????????????????????
No the wooden beads have not been removed
the cracks are only hairline but the cracks run all the way from floor to ceiling
should have had the timber off first... you can try filling em and you may be lucky, but i reckon theyll be back...
put some tape down both sides and give it a few coats of joint cement sand with 120 grit paper
if it's cracked all the way down, from ceiling to skirting, it might also be that there's some tension in the bead. I always leave a few mm at the ceiling so things can expand and contract with the heat in the room. The wooden bead left behind will also affect that.

Do what people have advised here, ie. cut the cracks out and fill. If it continues to crack then you might need to rebead it.
This shows again why the timber beads SHOULD be removed before skimming, whoever has done it is getting a call back and is gonna lose future work.
The only problem is i expect that the work by local plasterers to be of a good standard and i am struggling to find these tradesmen in the Stockton on tees area
post an add in the 'public lookin for plasterers' section..
i'd be surprised if anyone registered on here took the job on and delivered a load of crap...
its gonna have to be 1st class or theyre are gonna look the biggest tosser ever on the biggest plastering forum on the net..
If you look at the biggest plastering forum on the net
very little activety happens i would question if this is the biggest
ooo you bitch!
go on then sonny, find me another one? or have you been getting better advice somewhere else? do you think we've got f'ck all better to do?
we're a community of like minded people, the knowledge base on here is absolutely unsurpassed, so question all you like mate... we know what were doing, take your advice and select whatever you think works best for you...
trust me, youre in the best place... or dont, go and find a better place, if you can find one, and come back here and tell us were all full of sh't.. :RpS_laugh:

edit: corrected spelling mistake... sh't I should have been a rocket scientist!
what are you going on about i have the greatest respect for this forum but the Public looking for a plasterer section has little activity
also talking about spelling mistakes are you all about trying to put people down when we have a geniune concern about a job completed by a plasterer.
are you p'ssed? i edited my own post to correct one of my OWN spelling mistakes?
the reason the plastering sectiom has little activity is simple...
this is a plastering forum for plasterers... advertised as such...
when the public realise the fact that a 'plasterers' forum might be a good place to get advice on 'plastering' as opposed to a 'diy' forum it might get busier, you reckon?
if you genuinely want a plasterer to come to your property and give you a quote, post a thread requesting them to do so, anyone that sees it thats local to you will see it and think 'should I, or shouldnt I, is the bloke a c'ck?' youll find most of the p'sstaking goes on the forum, genuine ads get genuine interest and as a registered member youll more than likely get a pm...
there's just no helping some people Chris W ... I wouldnt waste my time on him, you've
given good advice to him and he is still questioning it... leave him till it
what are you going on about i have the greatest respect for this forum but the Public looking for a plasterer section has little activity
also talking about spelling mistakes are you all about trying to put people down when we have a geniune concern about a job completed by a plasterer.

This is the biggest and best plasterers forum out there mate, why are you questioning advice that is been given to you?
point is, this is a forum, with LOTS of good plasterers giving slightly different opinions... theres always one mate, always one person who after receiving good advice, questions the validity of the place where he found it?

so, ssrout, have you actually come into our pub, received some good advice and are now saying you know somewhere where you might find a more genuine bunch of people willing to come and do your work, work which incidentally you have absolutely no idea about? why are you still here?
I have been put in my place

Sorry to ask a question within a Plasterer forum but i was looking for advise only not a P'sstaking goes on forum

I am not p'ssed but i am concerned about the tone of your email which is loud and if you treat a uninformed customers like this I suspect you will get very little work
I have been put in my place

Sorry to ask a question within a Plasterer forum but i was looking for advise only not a P'sstaking goes on forum

I am not p'ssed but i am concerned about the tone of your email which is loud and if you treat a uninformed customers like this I suspect you will get very little work

ssrout i have tried all the forums out there, uk spreads etc, this is the most active and dedicated site of the be honest you should go back there mate
youre not my customer matey... i gave it to you straight...
advice you asked for, advice you got, take your chance looking in the paper for 'plasterers', if youve half an idea (which you now have, thanks to us) you stand a chance... or just do the job yourself...
were not a community of mugs, but were not a community of chancers either...
we come on here to stay in touch with the trade community, exchange ideas, new product reviews and advice between tradesmen...
we also like to think we can help the 'uninformed' or 'the general public' with a large knowledge base from lots of experienced tradesmen, god helps those that help themselves...
if you want it on a plate, give me ten grand and ill come and sort it for you? and ill even get the missus to give you a blowjob.. interested?
I have informed you i give this forum "the greatest respect" but you must give future customers respect i am not into bad mouthing people but i am not a plasterer only a person looking for assistance.
so take the advice youve been given and dont question its source...
again, if you genuinely need a plasterer to come and look at your job, post a request in the public looking for plasterers section...
sorry for appearing 'touchy' but ive been here for ages, have more experience than you and have tried to do you a favour, for free...

this is actually my horoscope for the week ahead.. made me chuckle...

[FONT=arial,helvetica]The things we don't understand aren't always as mysterious as they seem. Often, people with specialised knowledge will deliberately obfuscate to create an air of authority. Sometimes, they don't do it on purpose - but simply because their talent is not in communication. Even when they are trying to say something simple, they make it sound complicated. This week, you can cut a path through a jungle of jargon if you persevere. A saving of money is the smallest advantage such an exercise will give you. [/FONT]
Thanks for your advise i understand that people like me sometimes are a pain but i only needed help as i have paid some well earned money to this plasterer for a good job

Happy new Year to you and your family

I think i will pass with the offer of your missus she may be a little bit unexperineced for me.
well if you spent less time getting your c'ck sucked, and more time in the real world you might not come across as particularly patronising, but good luck with it and happy new year my freind.. :RpS_thumbup:
Remember my friend i needed your advise not your p'sstaking comments
You might need or you will need my help in the future then you will see how it is
and if that was to transpire you would be well justified telling me to go f'ck myself if i questioned what you were telling me right?
you got my advice...
prior to your negative reply...
you got the p'ss taken out of you when you suddenly became an expert on plastering forums...
ive had 6 beers...
i can do this all night :flapper:
I hope or paths do not cross when i looking for plasterers

saying that it has been fun

I have to leave it hear got a appointment shortly 26 yr old slim ,long legged hooker (all paid for) you can only dream

See You
good for you sunshine, as i said, good luck, and dont forget the paper bag and the double bagged condom..
26 and shaggin people like you for a living? people that dont want to pay for a proper job?
i can only assume she's had a bad start in life, spent a good few years in hostels getting involved with smack addicts, no fault of her own, thats just the way it is....
night night xx
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