bond-it although cuts back suction dont kill it....there will still be suction through gypsum bond-it its really for creating a key as segs said on the simpletons section background being ....tiles, metal lintels,high gloss paints...if your looking to kill suction use gypsum prime. I ve used bond- it on loads of jobs where i could have used pva and it did a good job....a very good job.. , u cant rely on it to kill suction on all backgrounds as ive found out in the past...good stuff tho
put it on here cause of the newbies thread..dont wanna confuse anyone.....i confuse myself way to easily most of the time anyway let alone someone fresh off a course....
put it on here cause of the newbies thread..dont wanna confuse anyone.....i confuse myself way to easily most of the time anyway let alone someone fresh off a course....