gyproc sound coat

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Well-Known Member
that gyproc sound coat in a white and grey bag the main use is to coat breeze block or brick walls then dot and dab over the top.
i was wondering if it could be skimmed over as it dont say owt on bag.
have to rush im out to work but any feedback would be good.
cheers lads
mac not sure if it can be skimmend over but i dontsee why not mate when you put this gear on its designed to be roughed on then left ie dont rule it then normally dabbed over then skimmed
funny you say it mate lads have done it on the job im on .........they said they pva'd it and it went ok but it all had to be hacked off because it was completely the wrong spec..........sorry not much use really ;D...........p.s ive never tried it but i'd imagine it to be a complete slag to rule off
i was going to use it on my own house so im tempted to give it a blast, but if it goes tit$ up it will have to come down
if you live in a mid terrace do the party walls should help the neighbours hear the missus grunting ;D
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