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New Member
just had some crack rat brake in 2 my van.broke the small window on my trafic to get in2 the glove box at 10am on a sunday! i was out..gr8 £100 now for a new one!
im skint as well had no cash in 2 weeks! surly a sat nv ent worth more than £20 nicked? good job i keept it in the drivers side door!
Sorry to hear that chief, scummers - Without wishing to make light of the situation, are Trafics any good ? I've got my eye on a couple of second hand ones going for about 4 grand - would you recommend one, I've heard rave reviews and bad reviews alike - cheers
Was thinking of getting some of that security film that goes on the inside of windows. You can beat f*** out of them but the film means it can't be penetrated.
the trafics are grate i fink..they look kool in other colours..i need a better alarm system i dont fink the one i have is sensitive anuf!

I think if you take it to the main dealer or an auto electrician he may be able to set the sensativity better so that any movement will set the alarm off.I only have to leave the window open an inch and the movement of air in the cab will set it off,and also them anoying big bore exhausts going past the van will trigger it off.I know its a pain when its a false alarm but its better to do that than not at all.
wow well after i had no window i set the alarm and put my hand in and opend the glove box and grabed the door handles on the out side and rocked the van! still no alarm.but if i lock the labourer in there it goes off stirght away.
I havnt worked since feb and I'm livin on beans but I wouldn't stoop that low, scumbag! Problem is when you give a junkie a good kickin they dont feel it! Makes u feel better though.....Lets get a crew together and go Chav Bashin' WAYHAY!!!!
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