Grypoc Bonding coat 8mm only?

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New Member
Hi again

Just not to mix my questions:

On the manufacturer website we can find info about Bonding coat maximum thickness (8mm).

What I we need more than 8mm? Can I apply 8mm, and then do second coat of 5mm for example?

Again... Grypoc customer service say it is not allowed to replaster backing plaster.

True or false?

Board it mate, quicker, I suspect your not a plasterer otherwise you wouldn't be asking these questions.
It will be flat for your tiles too !

Rock on !
what are you applying the bonding onto

Its a concrete board, then bonding coat, then multifinish.

Wall was uneven. Also, no one has level the wall up when plastering with a backing plaster.

I didn't want to touch it 'cause it's only a small toilet and every inch counts.

I thinking of using bonding onto multifinish. Just need to make sure is it technicaly possible.
Board it mate, quicker, I suspect your not a plasterer otherwise you wouldn't be asking these questions.
It will be flat for your tiles too !

Rock on !

Not always is possible to use a plasterboard.

Internal walls probably always yes,

stairs with landings in my example would take plaster only.

Otherwise the plasterboard would stick out of the staircase. To make it level I can't install a board, can I?
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