Good websites for apprentice seeking employer?

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New Member
Hi there

I am looking at doing a 7 week course with ableskills, assuming that this will take you to a very basic 'employable' standard - I totally understand this is only the beginning - then do any of you know a good website/place to find employers seeking an apprentice?

All constructive feedback welcome

Hello Ian,

Welcome to the forum. This will get you to a stage where you are a good labourer and good grounds to start an apprenticeship. However finding a company with enough work on and in a position to start apprenticeships is going to be tough. THe trade is a hard game at the best of times but what with everybody having issues with money its even tougher.

If I had my time again I would prob train as a plumber or a sparky..... loads of work and their prices have not dropped.

However a chap called simplybesty on here was looking for a machine labourer a month or so back and is still looking so that may be worth a punt??

Good luck either way

Just bear in mind mate you're first job could involve labouring on a couple of spreads and even if it's just one you will find yourself labouring and the trowel gets left in the van just get on site get on with it watch and learn then if you're not a complete **** I'm sure the chap you're working for would gladly show you the ropes
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