good website?

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New Member

just wondered if any of you either had a good website (your own website to promote your busines)
or if you knew of one - please post url's


I'm thinking of working for myself again and need a website to help promote my business -
a website that say whay i do - has a few pics and customer coments etc

Hello Danny
Smart looking site, what leads is it generating for you and would you recommend setting one up. Cheers
I get a few leads a week some are mainly from people wanting quotes over email ect but I have done a few jobs

not started on a website for my plastering busniess yet, but i own a car club forum thats busy from day to day and i will soon have advert on there, already done alot of work for members on there, so its quite good :d

but will be making a site for plastering next year at some point.
At Mr Paul,

now dont take this the wrong way.... but

a website is like a showcase for your work it is on most cases the first impressions of your business.

I think the site is a little hard on teh eyes and is tooo wide I also think it is bland (please dont be offended) Its good you had a go but there is a lot of money to be had from having a good website.

now mistersmooth... nice site first impressions spot on

Just my opinion

i think my site was only about £30-123.reg its using there template just put all your own stuff in-gotta say though i havent got much of a clue-my wife did it all-i just did the work and took the photos
whats it like on google though? without a doubt i'm gonna ask danny to do mine when i have one. if someone local wants a plasterer they need to see my site when they search 'coventry plasterer' or something similar.
if you put venetian plasterer into google im on the 1st page-im not sure how or why-something to do with keywords,metatags etc-gotta say most of my work is word of mouth though
Mister smooth chose a good theme an although you can tell its home made its a good example. looks like you got lucky on the keywords and its pretty small competition so ranking wont be hard.

I can pretty much say that I can rank any small business on to the top of google now... some take a lot more work but I can do it

@Steve no problemo :-)


Ps I am not slagging anybody just a website is the key these days and is the cheapest for of advertisng and if you get it right it will give oyu a good ROI
My website is it works really well for me and I'm ranked pretty high on google for plaster Wrexham. It coat me £119 and £8 a month hosting, check out the link at the bottom for the web designer if any1s interested.
well in about 2 days I will be launching a new service.....

Which is a bookmarking service I have spent the last 3 days creating over a 1000 bookmarking accounts and I will be charging a small fee to submit sites to them.

This is a mega quick way to get good rankings for small businesses

Danny said:
well in about 2 days I will be launching a new service.....

Which is a bookmarking service I have spent the last 3 days creating over a 1000 bookmarking accounts and I will be charging a small fee to submit sites to them.

This is a mega quick way to get good rankings for small businesses

whats that then Danny, (an idiots guide please)
rockhardsolidplastering said:
danny do you do web sites for other than plastering ie pet shop

yup but takes a little longer for me to do


Bruce.... all will be revealed
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