Going on your own

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Hey up lads just been laid off, and with a mortgage to pay for i need to find work and i'm wondering how you lads started off how would you advertise and things i have seen things on the internet like rated people or my builder are these any good to use? and does anyone use them? any help of you experienced spreads would be much appreicated
Sorry to hear that basher.

The first thing you need to do is decide on a business name for yourself, once you have that done get some well designed business cards and letter heads made up (there is nothing worse than giving a customer a scrap of paper).
Get some cheap t shirts printed up so you look more professional and get your van written.
There are loads of free websites you can use to advertise on,its all about getting your name out there but the most important thing is to do a good clean job,turn up on time and be friendly and polite.


good luck

I cant remember personally ::) but most of the young so called spreads round this way advertise like crazy ,sign written van , lealet drops, web sites what ever it takes . All i know is when i started it was a lot easier to find work it just came along no advertising nothing, so best of luck to you , i remember a guy called Sean wrote a really good post about this subject over on another forum i will have a look to find it for you .
Cheers rich i have had my van signwritten got the business cards so you think a leaflet drop is a good way forward what about the local rag??
Basher said:
Cheers rich i have had my van signwritten got the business cards so you think a leaflet drop is a good way forward what about the local rag??

Just leave your van in b&q carpark next bank Holiday weekend
Sorry to hear that basher
no the feeling been there myself
advertising costs nice vans cost best thing is word of mouth
Basher I am sorry to hear that. I started out on my own by using rated people a few years back and have not looked back. I know use it only on big jobs that come through on it, of all these sites this is the best one. My advice on it would be do not be tempted to go in really cheap to get a job as this can put alot of people off, just be sensible and it will pay off. I always worked on the basis I got 1 job for every 2 I quoted. good luck with it.
if your going to work for builders mate you need to get your details into the inland revenue so they can give you a UTR number. every builder will need this as they will deduct 20% tax from your labour if you dont have this number then they have to deduct 30% which hurts even more.
gps said:
Basher I am sorry to hear that. I started out on my own by using rated people a few years back and have not looked back. I know use it only on big jobs that come through on it, of all these sites this is the best one. My advice on it would be do not be tempted to go in really cheap to get a job as this can put alot of people off, just be sensible and it will pay off. I always worked on the basis I got 1 job for every 2 I quoted. good luck with it.
so youre the cheap barstuard thats undercutting everyone ;D
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