if you do go down the wickes bonding agent or thistle bond-it use board finish and not multi! i made that mistake, went off way too quick! ended up reskimming it the next day but like a t**t i PVA'd it once... so once again it went off too quick... i didnt quite have enough plaster left to knock up another batch and slap a 3rd coat on and no time to dash out in the van for another bag. so i struggled on and made it the best i could. luckily the homeowners were still happy with it and we laughed about it really, lesson learned for me! good job they know im still training. but filling the odd hollows with filler and sanding down is something i never want to do again if i can help it, bright side is i skimmed over their utility ceiling and seperate box room/pantry ceiling and got a £40 tip 8) which is very nice of them, yet ive spent more than that on extra materials due to my schoolboy errors along with diesel!
lesson learned, do it right first time 8)