Giving up plastering

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Hey lads been offered a job today as a trainee paint sprayer only thing i'm just dont want to give plastering up been doing it 7 years is it something u dont forget? and how many of you lads have had to change career becase of this economical crisis many thanks
im in the same boat mate, been offered a job for a groundworkers company tarmac, flagging ect, will be less money than i would like but constant work. just deciding what to do at the min.
I work in the building industry and as all have felt the hit of the climate, however I can tell you that the government are releasing 1 billion pounds into the industry for social housing. This is a great opportunity for you guys to get yourselves known and get in with house builders. I would suggest maybe doing a house or two on the cheap to show them what you do and then you agree rates etc with them if they choose to use you. It's still a good area to get into and will be very busy in the next year or so. A lot of the housing associations were going towards the taper and jointing, however this is not as easy to repair if the walls get damaged by tenants and so are going back to wet plaster. If you can't wait this long, maybe do the other job you've been offered and plaster on the side so that when things pick up you still have the skills ready to go for it. Artex and extensions seem to be the flavour of the month at the moment!!

Stay positive - that's the main thing to do! Don't hang up the trowel just yet!...
jordster said:
I work in the building industry and as all have felt the hit of the climate, however I can tell you that the government are releasing 1 billion pounds into the industry for social housing. This is a great opportunity for you guys to get yourselves known and get in with house builders. I would suggest maybe doing a house or two on the cheap to show them what you do and then you agree rates etc with them if they choose to use you. It's still a good area to get into and will be very busy in the next year or so. A lot of the housing associations were going towards the taper and jointing, however this is not as easy to repair if the walls get damaged by tenants and so are going back to wet plaster. If you can't wait this long, maybe do the other job you've been offered and plaster on the side so that when things pick up you still have the skills ready to go for it. Artex and extensions seem to be the flavour of the month at the moment!!

Stay positive - that's the main thing to do! Don't hang up the trowel just yet!...

Artex your having a laugh mate
maybe he meens covering it! i get fed up of doing artex as its the same convo every time! yea popular in the 80's hey ha ha ha nah!
And why do you think the government are going to spend all this money on social housing? It's because they know that all the builders like Rok, Midas, Carillion, etc, are going to go in so cheap just to stay working, and in turn screw the sub-contractors right down on their rates, so they'll get more for their money. The only people gaining out of this will be the government.
1 billion pounds won't touch the problem, developers get building permission provided they build x amount of houses for the local councils. as there is not much going on, the goverment is low on housing stock, hence the money. as tony said, the government is the only winner
You do whatever it takes mate and no you wont forget it, just like riding a bike. Been in and out of the game to pay the bills myself and managed to earn money the majority of the time. Good luck and if you do get out of it I'll guess you'll miss it,
Example :- Midas Construction ( A fair concern in the South West) have been building some social housing in St Ives (the Cornish seaside town where I refuse to take my van because of the f******g seagulls, not the other St ives).
The groundworkers come from Torquay, travelling every day. The majority of the dryliners come from the other side of Plymouth, and so on... The Electricians are from 10 miles down the road and I know them quite well ( but not in the biblical sense). They reckon that the workmanship is atrocious as the prices are so tight and no one gives a toss about the following trade. There is a no daywork clause written into the contracts. Why would you want to work for people like that?
I know where you live is dependent, but i still reckon theres plenty out there.I have never been wiythout work all the way through this recesion, and in fact have given shed loads away.I never work for theses rip off companys, because i do`nt like the way they work.You have to look differently for your work these days.
what are you doing online, get to work and for once some sound advice, you must have had a smile put on your ugly face last night
Paul,i`m at work, just waiting for pva to tack up.That modern tool in your pocket, its called a phone, give me a ring.As for my ugly face, thats just the way i was born.Lol.
kebab king said:
I know where you live is dependent, but i still reckon theres plenty out there.I have never been wiythout work all the way through this recesion, and in fact have given shed loads away.I never work for theses rip off companys, because i do`nt like the way they work.You have to look differently for your work these days.

when you say differently in what sense i have done flyers, ads, even gone rounds sites!!!
you're right - I meant covering up artex not doing it - god that stuff is awful but there's so much work in the east anglia region for people to skim ceilings it's a good little earner!!

With regards to the social housing, you're right in the sense that some of them are bastards to work for but there are some stronger companies out there that are actually growing stronger through these tough times and treat their subbies right! It's all up to you guys what you do, but if work dried up for me I'd do anything it took to get the money in!!

Good luck though and hopefully things will pick up!
pumping £1 billion into the system will only do 1 thing mate and that is de-value the pound even more. im only 22 dont know everything but the new build housing market is f***ed nobodies buying nobodies building.
there is still a bit of money to be made in the domestic market but not nearly enough to go around, which is a good thing in my eyes as the s"it will be pushed aside, and i cant see that many people spending money on home improvments when there's no snap on the table.

the council (social) housing is stop start in most area's, well it is in my area as the council's fight for money from the government. but from what i can see a lot of it is nearly finished, its been going on for about 4 years.
the only money left is public buildings. schools, hospitals ect schools mainly as a lot of old schools are being shut down or merged to make bigger newer ones.

dont believe all the $h1t you hear on the radio,tv read in the papers about coming out of this recession because we aint.
i have got a few grand stashed away ready to put a nice deposit on a house turn it around and flog it at a good profit so i watch the market, and like to think i know where its goin, and if i dont think its a good time to build/buy dont think many others do either.

sorry to say this like but things are goin to get worse, i dont have bills/credit cards or a mortgage so i can afford to stay in plastering as im not under pressure to work every day and get the money in. but if i did unless i had a hell of a lot of customers i would bail out.

just my opinion tho
tony mate your spot on with what u say, i have just finished with carillion. waste of time. plasterers coming from coventry, milton keynes, bedford for a job in nottingham. im from sheffield and i thought that was far.
The pay was half decent, but they was long days and like you said nobody gives a f**k skimming ceilings for the sparky or data bloke to come tell you he needs the board down to pull cables.
fukin joke on site these days.
Sorry to say this mate but you're wrong - the Housing and Communities Agency (formally housing corporation) is pumping money back into social housing as there's simply not enough housing going around. We are seeing massive developments in the pipelines for the next few years as recession or no recession people need somewhere to live! You're area may not have massive amounts of housing in or not it's all down to the local housing associations and the targets that they have over the next financial years. In addition to this when a house builder builds houses the 106 agreement now states in the region of around 40% of the development to be social housing. Whilst the builder doesn't get as much money for these houses as he may do on the open market it's still a guaranteed money from the local HA.

With respect to the housing market - the number of mortgages being approved is on the ever increase - thus pumping back into the industry and houses being built again. But generally families are happy with their homes just need them to be bigger / newer looking, so they are spending money on renovating and extending rather than re-mortgaging and getting F*** all for their homes.

We may we be in a "W" situation where by things have picked up again slightly and will drop before getting better - but the money is definately in social housing and renovations at the moment!! Trust me on this I've been in the industry for 10 years now. I agree with you - don't listen to the radio / tv as it's all s**t and what they should be doing is trying to fill us with confidence to get spending again rather than doom and gloom. I only get my facts from sources such as Registered Social Landlords and the like!!

Hopefully things will pick up in your area though and you can earn on a regular basis!!
Try networking, i went to a few speed networking nights,i picked up 4 contacts in 3 visits,and have been really good,2 give me regualr work, and 1 gave my details to ther contacts of his.Its different, and you will probably think this is not for me, but the people who try it normally works for them.
im not doubting that there is money to be made in the social housing market at the minute but from what i see and hear from various companies the work is stop start and is nearly non-existant around here, the price has also dropped that contractors are willing to pay their subbies. which leaves me to think that companies are just going in with prices that are lower than they where 18 months/ 2yrs ago therefor they need cheaper tradesmen/labour to make a profit themselves.

as for this 106 agrrement i have to say i don't know anything about it but why would anybody build house's to have 60% of them sat on the market for 2 years. but i dont see many new builds going up and those that are, are stood with no work on them.

people are improving their homes extending them instead of moving to a newer/bigger house but for how long.
how long before more people begin to get laid off and cut back on things they WANT like extensions/home improvments.
i know i come acroos as a "glass half empty" sort of person but expect the worse and anything else is a bonus
fair enough - rather that way than it come as a shock. I just think there's work there but just need to find it. as I said we've got a fair bit on and am working overtime to get the cash in and banked so there's a little spare should things drop further!!

Good luck with anything you find!!
thanks mate, i am doing ok at the minute got a staircase and attic to do this week and most of next then i am goin onto demo for a few weeks on a school. get myself in for the plastering and i am waiting to hear back about a new build school up north.

dont need luck but thanks for the offer.
at last a sensible .......well constructed topic which led to a positive discussion

blowjob anyone ::)
well i know sod all about nowt but i can think of a reason why people would produce a product and then sit on it for 2 years provided it doesnt cost them money to sit on it...

and that is if they can produce the product cheaper now than they can in 2 years time then it makes fininacial sense as long as you have the float to do it...

if these people who normally build houses for profit are finding that they can get cheaper labour at the present time then why not build houses, its an investment gamble but Ive not heard anyone saying that the housing market will never pick up?

but like i said i know jack s**t about f**k all so im off to get a bj of spunky then get back in my box ;D
Typical builder syndrome,buy land now when its cheap, build on it later when its gone up in price.
Just look ese where for your work.
jordster sorry to rain on your parade but the banks are not approving mortgages it came last month at the lowest in years
i understand what your saying chris but it still seems like a big gamble to sit on a few new build properties, waiting for them to sell. the price of those properties will only be decreasing as you wait, while we are in recession.
nobody ever heard of the expression "never buy in a falling market" because your always goin to lose on that property.
jodster where do you get your facts from mate i keep reading over your statement.

don't listen to the radio / tv as it's all (german word) and what they should be doing is trying to fill us with confidence to get spending again rather than doom and gloom

why should we start spending again, thats why we are in this mess. from overspending. buying things on credit that we cant afford. and now we are paying for it
i hear a lot about coming out of recession but see no evidence of it, what do u suggest we do spend our last few quid on digging ourselves out of the sh1t.

nobody has anything to spend anymore and what you do have to spend goes on the car, mortgage, credit cards.
iam not to sure but i think you will find this [credit crunch]/[recession] aint nothing at the moment ,if its anything like 90s one it will hit when they wack up intrest rates.Then familys will be overstreched fall behind then end up forced to sell or worst repoed.The goverment have blown our money so have ziltch to really help them when they need it. ???
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