Funny story

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Active Member
Heard a funny story today. Urban myth or the truth not sure as it was a friend of a friend situation. This guy had some plasterers working next door on an extension and needed a bit of work done on his kitchen. So he asked the spreads if they could do it next week well they said they couldnt as they were on holiday for 2 weeks. So the bloke said if they knew any one else, so they passed the number of another spread they have used in the past said he was ok.So it was all arranged that this other spread would start on the monday, he turned up went through the job and it was all arranged that the job would be finished that day, so the guy left him to it. when this bloke tured up after his days work he see's that the work in question has not been done, only a little bit has been laid on and left realy poorly, and theres no sign of him, until he see's the footprint's leading to his livingroom so he takes alook in his living room, and his brand new leather sofa is covered in plaster dust, and there's empty special brew cans all around ;D, so this bloke is fuming and notices the footprints lead up stairs straight into his bedroom around the bed and into his misses knicker drawer. :o Well appaently the spread didnt come back for his money lol and no one could get hold of him and when he confronted the other spreads they said well he was ok on the last job. ;D
could be...
wonder if the spreads were gettin their own back for too much of the old 'while your doin that job and while youve got a bit mixed up i was wonderin...' :P
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