Free Labourer, Essex....

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New Member
Im looking to get into the trade so id be happy to work for free with just experiance and training in return untill im worth a wage, If needed I can attend a 5 day course at goldtrowel which ill obviously pay for to learn the basics and I can apply for a CSCS card.

Im in Clacton on sea but I have a little astra van so dont mind traveling but as ill be working for free cant afford to travel too far.

hi ya sean.
Im looking for someone, but most of my work is in and around london, i will pay you a wage, but how do you feel about that much travel, as you are all the way in clacton?
i try and start around 7.30 ish so most times im leaving home around 6 ish.
so you would end up with a mega early start.
let me know

Ok, I done a days work with chris (onlymem8) and havnt heard anything since... as far as im aware I didn't do anything wrong as he gave me the impression id be working with him alot, told me to get myself a decent trowel and hawk (which I did, forked out £60 for a marshalltown permashape trowel and marshalltown hawk) and havent heard a thing since.
I dont think it was because i didn't make the effort, I woke up at 4am left my house at 5am and got to chris at 6.20am and I didn't get home that night untill 10pm and all day long I was keeping myself busy, asking questions, and showing the interest that I thought every plasterer wanted his labourer to show.

So... Im still available for work and I hope someone can take me on and teach me how to use this trowel and hawk ive got myself.
got in by labouring and being very keen... free labour at first then started to get paid then just pushed on kept mixing up and getting faster so I could start laying on etc... I then did a course to get a bit more on the trowel I then started putting on with teh two spreads and then they got a new labourer and I was putting on and what not.. decided to brake away and thatw as that built quite a good business quite quick and best of all always got top money... never under cut in fact I prob over charged but hey.

The trade is hard work and takes years to get it right... lots of plasterers on here will agree that you are always learning and you are only as good as your last job
got in by labouring and being very keen... free labour at first then started to get paid then just pushed on kept mixing up and getting faster so I could start laying on etc... I then did a course to get a bit more on the trowel I then started putting on with teh two spreads and then they got a new labourer and I was putting on and what not.. decided to brake away and thatw as that built quite a good business quite quick and best of all always got top money... never under cut in fact I prob over charged but hey.

The trade is hard work and takes years to get it right... lots of plasterers on here will agree that you are always learning and you are only as good as your last job

I just need that lucky break gettin in with someone, my cousins in the trade but he lives about an hour away near onlymem8 but if i was to work with him he wouldn't be able to pay me as i think his business is a bit slow at the moment so i wouldn't be able to get to him. Plus we havent spoke for about 6 years lol.

Do you know of any big firms in essex area?
I can give you two days starting on Monday 4th & 5th Jan taking down a lathe & plaster ceiling reboarding and skimming and I will pay you

Pick up from basildon

PM me ather xmas if you are still interested
Cool let us know how you get on ... bring Capital some doughnuts .... :-) best way to keep him sweet
Hi Sean
If you want a days work tomorrow Thursday, I could do with a hand on some lime work I will pay you but its going to be a very early start as the jobs in Surrey, you will need to get to Basildon by 5.00pm phone me on 07749 679980 if you are interested.
I understand if you don' t want to travel I tried to get across tthe bridge this morning and gave up after two hours, but I need to get the job done.
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