Forum Approved

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Hello All,

Right it has come to my attention that a lot of work has been passed about on this forum and that is exactly what this place is meant to do help others out.

However there have been a couple of instances when spreads have been rough and screwed jobs up and well this does worry me as its not only the reputation of the company that takes on the spread but our forum so we have been thinking....

I can set up a member group where it will say whether a members work has been seen and is of any good good say for instance "Forum Approved Spread"

This way other members will know that they have been used and has done a good job?

This will not apply to mods however because I can only assign one group and they are in the MOD group

What do you think?

I totally agree with this suggestion... as a lot of my recent work is already on youtube and I am also approved applicator and trainer for Dryvit, Parex and lime renders can i have my badge please ;)
Great idea Danny, ive been plastering for over 25 years so grandfathers rights would be applicable for me and several other forum members. :P :P
who's gone go around travelling the country checking peoples work?????
Before they can be "Forum approved " you gonna pay a qualified plastering assessor Danny??
Even if you did it would be the type of guy that gives 1 week coursers CSCS cards like jelly babies to grand kids.
Sorry mate but get real.
Over recent months personally i think youve been taking things a little to far,tinkering with things on here when you dont need too.
Not a dig at you,personally i think all you forums are great.
You did ask our opiion so i gave mine pal.
But why change something that isnt broken mate?????
grand wizard said:
what if no one,s seen your work
??? ??? ???

Pictures and recommendation from customers ??? could be interesting, if you want to pay me to around and look at peoples work , I DON'T MIND HONEST
think you will get through on great grandfather rights grand ;D

I like jelly babies ;)
Pictures dont show true detail.
I could send you pictures of a wall that looks great .But rub ur hand across the wall than this will tell you another story ;).
Unless you personally go and check each persons work whilst there doing the job it would be pointless exercise TOTALLY !!!
Who's paul????
i think its a good idea,dont get me wrong ,but i dont see how you can set it up fairly with the kind of budget danny has got?
example would he.....
take the word of someone else on here,that works in a competing area of another spread? i dont htink so
would he pay a guy to travel the country? i dont think so
would he use photo and document evidense? that can easily be forged and means nothing? i dont think so.

so how would you do it?
Good spreads no other good spreads simple as that.the young uns meet others at college the oldies that have been doin it years have met guys on site's and other jobs. Domestics dont care cus there raking it in lol
I'm with skimmin2day on this one, It sounds like a good idea but I don't see how it could work in practice without the same person going round checking on everyones work. I draw your attention Danny to (i cant think who the member was) but someone come on here saying someones work was bad and then before you knew it Chris W was telling all and sundry it was me which by the way I'm still p i s s ed at. So with that in mind I don't see how it can work.
How are you going to get this up and running Dan we are still waiting for the Lottery Syndicate.
sorry Danny but it wont work. I for one am not having someone come round and tell me if my works up to scratch, I know its good. In any organisation you'll get bad apples who fcuk it up for others, the good ones just have to get on with it and as long as their producing the goods who cares about any on else. on a site like this you can't say if spreads are good or bad, the area coverage is just too vast. If some one gets a spread of here then you could recommend that the potential customer gets local refs if they feel at all uncomfortable with the spread they get from this site, :) :)
great idea danny I often need cover on jobs and use spreads from the forum from time to time. some good some not so good so maybe a points/marking system that would eventually build anaverage 1-10 maybe.
guys its not going on that big a scale...

I mean if someone has worked with kebab and they are happy with his work ie I have heard flat boy is a pretty good spread.... kebab has recommended him.... means that its a pretty good chance that he is a gooden

WHere as I have heard of a few on here are as rough as fook.....

we cant exactly name and shame on here... although it would be nice to.

I am just thinking out aloud if you lot thinks it sucks I wont bother.

As with the lottery, I just not had a spare second to think about it..;. anybody else wanna take it on then they are welcome to

obviously we are not going to get everybodies work and are relying on other members to give them there opinion but its only got to help?

Flat boy you would , you are a good spread.I have worked with a few others on here.Simply, Southern Monkey.They are top guys to.Its a good idea , but hard to make it work fairly.
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