Floating with speedskim?

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Kind off tend to use the feather edge then hit it with the speed skim to flatten and close in the face then just a quick rub with the devil
Bin it?
Keep it its great?
Get a cavity closer?
Use the pole attachment?
It saves time?
No it doesnt?
Doubles your meterage?
Get an eze spat?
Its good on big areas?
You cant finish with it?
Theres a metal blade coming out for it,
It leaves lines?

Hope this helps:RpS_thumbup:
There you go a floppy piece of plastic must be that good that someone went out of there way to put it on the internet for millions of people to see
**** knows spunky,I thought wood floats were for that ?
I use feather edge for roughing,A Darby for rendering and ,erm a stainless trowel for skimming.
Rule with a feather edge and rub up.some of you lot have got too much time to waste.speed skim on floating figs.
I've used the speedskim on Bonding up to about 10mm thickness on dodgy old kitchen walls and worked fine yes you have to use it/check in 2 axis but you would do that with a straight edge anyway
A cavity closure doesn't have the rigidity like a speedskim so would be useless. Used speedskim when iv bonded some artex out worked ok. Feather edge far superior tho!
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