Hello all Im looking for a bit of help please. My Scratch Coat was a 5:1 mix, Top Coat 4:1. The sand did seem far too fine to me but wasnt sure if it would make a difference. Plus I was using a combined additive ( plasterciser, waterproofer and something else I cant remember now, It was 3 in 1 thing) ..I usually use waterproofer and thats that!! .. Float coats blown and the scratch is still stuck but very sandy ( New breezeblock Wall ).. Am I safe to add the Top Coat and try again seeing as the scratch is dusty? Removing the scratch now would be a nightmare. Thanks
Read more:render not sticking - DIYnot.com - DIY and Home Improvement
Read more:render not sticking - DIYnot.com - DIY and Home Improvement