First Rendering Job

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New Member
Been plastering 10 months now(mostly re skims over existing plaster and Artex) and have always fancied having a go at rendering after covering the basics on the course however I have not got the confidence nor experience to takle any big rendering jobs yet.
A freind has asked me to render the retaining wall in his garden which i feel is an ideal opportunity for me to get some experience in this area.
The wall including columns and steps(of which he would like the faces rendering) totals 21m x 0.9m high with the brick work in good condition.
From what i can remember from the course along with some searches I am thinking of approaching it as follows:-

Apply 4/1 Scratch Coat with Waterproofer
Scarify and leave to dry for 24hrs
Apply 5/1/1 with lime or 5/1 with plasticiser TopCoat
Polyfloat and Sponge.

Used the Source4Me materials calculator Link Removed which suggest the following materials requirements and labour costs:-



What do you think?

Should I use plastic corner beads bedded into the scratch coat for forming the column and wall end corners?
Should I use some form of stop bead for where the render covering the face of the steps reaches the top of the step or just flatten by hand?
Would you recommend using an electric mixer or just do it by hand?
How long should I be planning for applying each coat?

Obviously will be charging mates rates as the main objective is to do a good job and gain experience but out of interest how long would this size of job take you and what would you charge?
ps Please let me know if I have missed anything.

Cheers Andy
Scratch the wall first ten put on your bellcast you can use a plastic bead for this but a lath is good enough, if he willing to pay for pvc angle beads for corners put these on after your scratch coat but you can use a 3:1 rule at corners and return them next day, you dont need stop beads for step either just 3:1 rule nailed on the step. yes lad get a mixer you need your mortar well mixed,
Thanks Steve
Will use the corner beads as the customer wants clean sharp corners.
Will also get a mixer bought.
The middle of the bricks protrude between 20 and 30mm from the mortar.
Do you think this will require a 2nd Scrath coat to bring everything level before topcoat?
I have booked the job in for wk22 while the customer is away on holiday.
He has said we are welcome to use the hot tub when we have finished ;D
grand wizard said:
get some ocr rubs up nice

you love this stuff wizard dont you haha.

I never heard of it before you mentioned it. Whats the difference in price say 20 m sand cement against the same but in ocr

Is it about 1m finished per bag (25kg) or sumit like, comes in at £5 a bag but done in a day also no need to paint and time is the money. I've been doing bit of reading up, not used it yet but very keen to do so, it seems that it only gets used on new builds and I don't do new build work, I would be intrested to see the cost saving against s&c, as time is biggest cost.
Completed the job this week.
Was nice to be working outside for a change.
Ended up having to do a couple of scratch coats to bring the render level past the brick face.
Not as flat as i was hoping to achieve but customer is very happy with the result.
How long would it need to be left before painting?
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