finished college

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ricky 10

New Member
hi guys ive posed once before just thought i would try again though i have finished college i have done a few jobs now and been on site for a couple of weeks as well but cant seem to find any work. ive tried the council/ lovells/apprenticeships and cant seem to get nothing just wondered if you lads could give us any ideas thanx
It would help if you put your location on your profile, always make things easy for people you want to work for. I don't understand why people don't put a rough location on their profile, you don't need to put your house number on.
Would def help if people knew your location Ricky10. you never know because a spread might need a job covering bang smack on you doorstep but your name won't even enter their heads because you've no point of reference. Also, give a go, I have had a couple of jobs covering reactive maintanence for housing associations...but again, don't know its any good to you because I don't know where you live!
hello im from salford, manchester so ideally would like to work in that area but i have a van and my own tools so can travel. iam looking for any work even labouring as i am keen to stay in the trade. iam also hard working and reliable cheers
what kind of rate are you lookin for? ive just left manchester but get quite a few calls of other spreads lookin for help.
i was getting 11 quid an hour on site the the other week. im not looking for the earth flinny just more looking to stay in the trade and get some more experience under my belt thanx mate
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