Filling electricians chases?

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Normally I would fill with hardwall and skim the wall, got a job where the customer doesn't want the wall skimmed.

Would you guys fill it with hardwall shallow and put a skim on top?
Ah right, didn't get that at first. Thought you meant they didn't want skim over the top of the filled chase!

Yeah bonding and skim.

I hate those jobs following round just where the electricians chased out on a whole house. So time consuming and fiddly and crap.
The one coat universal is vey similar to mp75 and is the way forward, doesn't crack and twice as quick!
Did one today. One chase, three towns away for an electrician I know :RpS_cursing:
in and out in 40 mins :RpS_thumbsup:
Cost him though.
As I found out the first time I did it and went 50/50. Cost me a new paddle and bucket lol
fill with bonding/browning.. rub up and cut back 2mm to allow for finish to marry up with existing wall.... or use one coat.. takes ages to pull in tho, depends how many your doing..
Make your own onecoat plaster for chases roughly 70%browning/hardwall & 30%multi :RpS_wink:
Don't forget to lash a load of sand and cement into the boxes ,fook that brill cream snicker wearing 9am starting sparks up

I'm using The Plasterers Forum Mobile App
i use one coat does take a while to tighten up thou but you could do almost every chase in a house i slightly over fill wait for to go right back , then rule back flush with trowel ,sponge float trowel fat up job done. and how many times have we come across condouit not chased into the wall tidy PROUD sparks to lazy
i use one coat does take a while to tighten up thou but you could do almost every chase in a house i slightly over fill wait for to go right back , then rule back flush with trowel ,sponge float trowel fat up job done. and how many times have we come across condouit not chased into the wall tidy PROUD sparks to lazy

Agree totally but also finishing with easi fill gives a nice finish especially if what your marrying into has high suction.
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