im not too sure but i think rcd's run on neutral and earth...
had a similar problem the other day, caught the light switch with a blob and it tripped, cleaned the switch and it wouldnt reset...killed the downstairs ringmain mcb and it reset, turned out the problem was a socket but it didnt trip till i caught the lightswitch...and lighting circuits until the 17th edition werent connected to rcd so you could find your way round in the dark if it did trip..weird no?
anyway, time you read this youll have sorted it...
thing to do next time if you cant find the consumer unit is nip outside to the electric board meter box and flick the main can usually turn em with a large flat screwy if you havent got a box key...
as for hidden consumer could possibly be outside, in the electric board box itself, or in the garage...
i used to think meter tails had to be no more than a certain length, like 1m or something till i did a prefab bungalow where the main switch was outside, the meter was in the hallway and the consumer unit was 20 feet away above a door in another room...
more moden houses have a separate ring for the kitchen so an easy way round it is to kill the main house ring mcb and run an extension from the kitchen, fridge stays on that way and you can just take your socket fronts off completely...
if its old cartidge fuses, red are ring main and cooker/shower radials (32A) yellow are socket radials (20A) and green are lighting circuits (5A)...