feature stones in monocouche

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looked at a farm house to render in mono, the corners have cornerstone fatures in the brick (not a different type of brick just raised and staggered) I am mulling over the different ways of retaining this feature in the new render. they are proud of the wall by 20mm any one with experience building these in I want to look at all the options. I am asking the usual suspects that use the renders all the time. you know who you are boys
we've sprayed loads of houses with the brick quoin corners , just tape them up and render in to them and leave it so the quoins are proud of the render by 5-6 mm dont use stop bead it will look crap, i have also formed the quoins out of render before
sorry only just noticed you posted again ...sounds a pain in the arse would have been easier to create them from scratch

are they proper quoin features or is it straight down either side
plasterjfe said:
the fatures are to be rendered also (they are built up from the same brick)

oh bummer .. that would be a nightmare.

would they not ber happy doing as I suggested ??? or

Disc cut off the bricks render as normal and they can choose of of those flash stick on quoins to go on after.

they look good once on
my idea is to render into them at 15mm leaving them 5mm proud then coating them with atight coat of ocr taper the edges off and also cut in joints so they look more like actual stone then have them painted but the guy cannot afford the labour on it as his house is a biggie
plasterjfe said:
my idea is to render into them at 15mm leaving them 5mm proud then coating them with atight coat of ocr taper the edges off and also cut in joints so they look more like actual stone then have them painted but the guy cannot afford the labour on it as his house is a biggie

cover the lot in one pass building up the stones... as you can cut the mono back nicely once its rubbed up to form the new quoins... fiddly though
if they allready protrude then the ocr is a good way of doing them, you will prob need to rendaid them first then 10mm of ocr. The quoin cutters on ebay are really good for cutting the tapered edge.
Mask them up when you do the mono
you could always just use stopbead around them and have them sitting slightly over the edge to allow for covering the edge of the brick , fairley straight forward just a bit time consuming with the beads
southernmonkey said:
you could always just use stopbead around them and have them sitting slightly over the edge to allow for covering the edge of the brick , fairley straight forward just a bit time consuming with the beads

This is the cheapest most straight forward idea but when put to the client his face was telling me that he dint want metres of plastic up the walls :'(
cut down a 15mm angle bead and stick them on. render by hand the small reveal first and rub up then spray the beauty as normal
I was thinkin of making some flat angle from pvc fascia holding it into the c shape and buttering up aginst each one as I move down the wall carefully tryin g to maintain the edge then when set render into the back edge. god knows what I will charge the bloke.
southernmonkey said:
best thing to do is just stick another couple of grand on the job and let him go with the next cheapest quote lol
That thought did cross my mind monkey funnily enough because he wants it doing asap and this month is busy already
you could always take the stance that fake quoins have no place on old or new properties these days lol
i would juat put mono over the top of them then using a small edge carve them out like quoins
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