feather edge

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bought a feather edge from wickes put it in the van and now its bent, so i was wondering whats the best edge money can buy. cheers
generally speaking the cheap feather edges from wickes and the like are just so damn thin (couple of mil ally) they become useless very quickly, £35 or so will get you a fairly decent thick skined edge, Link Removed have no probs getting one from there made by benson tools for £35 i think it was about 5ft length? maybe 6 i cant remmebr as it is someone i know who purchased from them.

probs best to go round local builders merchants and have a look at em and get one thats nice and strong, look after it and it will last :)
bought a feather edge from wickes put it in the van and now its bent, so i was wondering whats the best edge money can buy. cheers
heavy duty ones are err heavy but won't bend as much ...............this is why you should hold your edge 90 deg to the wall while ruling off, try holding your edge up against the wall at 90 degrees and fold it over to 45 degrees then youll know what i mean ;)
i ve got a builders merchant in my area called huws gray fitlock not sure if their nationwide but they sell feather edges, the same as them benson tools 1 for about £30 a piece, their a good solid feather.
bought a feather edge from wickes put it in the van and now its bent, so i was wondering whats the best edge money can buy. cheers
Get yourself a box rule(screed) if its for dabbin bit sturdier.Also you can give it a hit with a rubber mallet to tap the boards back if there bein a bit stubborn and they dont bend. 4"x2"x6 foot aluminium,
Same as any tool really, get the best you can afford, anything under £25 will be a bit flimsy. refina do best feather edges (and screed rules) sorry, don't know how to put links up :-[
i have had the same problem bought 2 x feather egde's and a darby, only 2 weeks ago been used every day and their all f*$%ed

wickes has got to be 1 ofthe worse places to buy from-
rubbish trowels
cheap levels
bendy darby's and feather edge's
bent beads
warped coving, wood

they have been took over by travis perkins now so the prices will slowly go up an up an up.

i am off to protest
what does my head in about wickes is its 'supposed' to cater for the general public as opposed to the trade (taken care of by our friends down at travis, jewson etc)...so why the f'ck can i buy materials cheaper from wickes than i can at a builders merchants??? somebody somewhere is takin the pee...shame about wicksey tools though...they should just get a profesional range in, then maybe, just maybe they might sell some...
that said, ive got a wickes feather edge and its still ok....but i dont use it as a loading ramp/plank/cricket bat/floor scraper or put it in the van first with all the gear on top ;)
coving at our place aint bad though, 20 quid buys you a room, and its usually pretty straight/no dings etc...then i go and bend it to get it in the van ;D its ok long as it comes straight out the other end and gets laid upside down on the floor for 20 minutes...
i could never figure that one out either, builders merchants are a fecking rip off,  sometimes when u load your van up theres know one to give u one of those tickets, so when u go to pay u tell them 'yeah just 1 bag of multi  ;D

i just bought a faithfull feather edge the smallest one 1200mm, thought it would be alot easier for a rookie like me
also i watched that rendering dvd yesterday. i bought from uk spreads website its really good

definatly recomend it to those who want to learn flat rendering.
bensons feather edges last for years ,talking of wickes they had moved there premises near us and went in the old store they were selling off marshall steel trowels wait for it..................................£5 so i bought all five,obviously they were to exspensive originally for the diy'er,and bought some eswing hammers same price this was about 2 years ago,since then never seen any decent tools at there new store
the dvd is filmed in his back garden he renders the side of his garage.
1. he shows how to fit angle beads & bellcast
2. how to mix sand&cement
3. scratch coat
4. making it the right thickness (screed)
5. top coat in two stages
6. rule off with feather edge
7. rub up with poly float
9. sponge
;D ;D no i dont mate he's a big bnp member and hates anything that isnt true english just ask flynny ;).......either that or he's just set in his ways can't work him out ::)
where does he put his screeds mate vertically or horizontaly?
any screeds wont hurt mate mate but dont take it inside if you want a true wall you would put a vertical screed in the corner (or a bead) and put two horizontal screeds top and bottom, the whole point of screeds are to concentrate on noticeable angles and if the blockwork runs out at least youre ceiling lines and skirting lines are straight
externally i'd just lay it on and rule it off vertically youre just getting it flat for floating noone puts shelves or kitchen units up outside ;)
u say vertically but do u mean rule off holding the edge vertically or vertically as in rule off up and down.
cheers nicksey
Mind you I think Bigbud at UKSpreads likes to thing he knows all of nothing.. He answers your questions about everthing knows everthing and does not no everthing., I bought the DVD like a muppet and clocked what was going on. Am in OZ so if you wanna render get out here on a visa, or NVQ that's what I did. Ain't looked back, miss things, decent curry some friends that's it. But as for the DVD he can shove it where he thinks it shines but doesn't, what do you say TROWEL ADDICT.
What you rendering mate. is it trad mortar or thin coat systems acrylic ect.?
on a different note i used to go on t'other forum didnt like it some crap advise on there, One i read some one wanted to D&D with duplex boards (foil) and the advise was pva the board and stick fibatape into the glue then there ready for dabbin WTF, Not brown nosin but i like this forum cos people ask questions without gettin ripped to pieces and called nob heads ect ,see ebuild to see what i mean utter crap
Using rock coat, Tasconi and some good Acrylic stuff, learning loads. Yeah agree about c**p on that forum, I do go on one more but you have to do courses there, now but they are good too. They delivered my NVQ, however they moderate more now as it's important to use forums as forums. That Bigbud fella always things he's the nuts. You never stop learning but I have a contact back in England who knows people, and that man is hated big time and understand that he is getting found out. Anyway back to serious stuff, Having a Barby tonite with some expats who are spreaders, and love the hot weather, what's it like there. Must go All the best guys.
feck knows griff mate.. dont really know bigbud, i dont even use ukspread forum. i just dont like the look

of it, theres to much going on. and for the dvd i thought it was really good, but i' ve never done any flat

rendering or even for that matter, ever used a cement mixer. so its great for me i learnt alot from it

also dosnt bother me weather he shove's it were the sun dont shine or not ;D

this is the best forum by far. ive learnt fecking loads from this site 8-)
Well who are you then Trowel Addict. Get yourself onsite Krend and Mon pral more money that's whats happening. So where did you start T/Addict
Yep he upset too many people. He tried to apologise to a few people in letter and kind gestures but it never worked.
he did the screed vertically, which way is best.

always put screeds vertically, pull upwards but check up, down and 45. ps I'm old enough to have gone to the rock against racism gigs in hyde park, not awfully political when i was 16 but i hate nazis and i used to like a punchup.
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