false floor anyone?

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just out of interest... how do you all get your boards into your van? timber racking with a slot to stand them on edge down one side? false floor so you can slide them in on the deck? diagonal with tools and bags of plaster wdged each side or roof rack?

if could include what type of van you have then that would be helpfull.

reason i ask is im umming and arring over whether or not to get a bigger van, i currently work with someone else during my normal working hours so dont even need to use my own van so just use my own transport for evening/weekend work.

i currently have an escort van which fits 8 6x3's on the deck and i may just build a false foor so i can put tools and plaster straight ontop etc and i suppose i can just pop 8x4's on the roof if i get hold of a roof rack, used to work alright on my vauxhall combo so maybe getting a bigger van isn't needed just yet.
got a berlingo and while its not ideal, it does the job. got a roof rack for the rare times i carry 8x4s, ive had 20 6x3s in the back with all my tools. but once youve got your tools and a few bags in its full, once my insurance is up im going to get a tranny/relay/boxer/movano/ducato so i can have all my tools and materials in there and still get in and out
Transit. Loads of space, side door and designed to accomodate all the 8x4s you'll need........and your tools......and a couple of mates, if you have any!
ive not got any mates casper, ill just put a few more bags in the passenger seats. can i get 8x4s in the back of a tranny around 02 plate? i know the old trannys had to be diagonal and i know the new ones can flat. will it matter about a bulkhead?
Few mates of mine had old short wheel based transit's & said they couldn't get 8x4's in straight with a bulk head, they had to go in diagonal.
Mine is a 05 plate tranny.
Go in straight no probs.
Got a rack on the right hand side for boards.
Steve. the 02 plate is the old shape. So they wont just slide in. Mine is the mk7 (latest, ya know) ans the boards go in flat, nae bother! I've nae mates either. So my passenger seats are like new!!! But at least i have them, just in case my empire expands and i need a couple o gimps lol
what mark is an 04? i swear a bloke i do some work with has got either an 02 or 04 an if i remember he had 8x4s in his with a bulkhead
04 is mk6 i'm sure. Same size as mk7. latest size. Different lights, grill blah blah

I'll have to go on to the Transitforum to check now!! :rolleyes)
right while you're on there. double make sure i cant get an 8x4 in an 02 plate flat. wether on the floor or stood up against the side. and if i can't then what reg will i be able to? thanks pal
i assumed transits had the same load space in the back... could be handy having a list of which vans cant take whatever size boards and how they fit in etc, make it easier for people to select a van kinda thing? either that or play it safe and get a luton :RpS_laugh:
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