fairy liquid

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ballsdeep said:
yeah spreadable is what i meant. what do people mean by durability? i hear it a lot

They are probably just useing the wrong word too mate.

People say that you should'nt use fairy as it makes the mix weaker, and that "there have been reports"

Having never seen any reports or proof of this, I personally remain unconvinced.

I'm happy to be proved wrong and conceed straight away, if someone actually proves it though.
Plasticiser traps air in the mix as does fairy, the difference being is that all the entrapped air bubbles when using plasticiser are the same size and very small. Washing up liquid traps air bubbles that are all different sizes and that is what can weaken the finished product (or so they say).
The Apprentice said:
Plasticiser traps air in the mix as does fairy, the difference being is that all the entrapped air bubbles when using plasticiser are the same size and very small. Washing up liquid traps air bubbles that are all different sizes and that is what can weaken the finished product (or so they say).

Who is this elusive "they"?

Oh its okay I googled i,t and it just happens the be a griop of share holders at FEB :)
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