everyone must b busy now

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Think things have slowed a little due to the school holidays but still got steady stream of graft to go at
I were intill had a fone call saying the job I had booked in for Monday is guna have be pushed back a month because they havnt got the money! Yeah nice one! So if anyone hears of any jobs kicking of in the greater Manchester area give us a shout :RpS_cursing:
The south is far more busy then the north always has been always will be. I know lots of trades down here who are really struggling.
I'm quit just hope i get this big job i've priced tomorrow, only seem to hae had one job a week for months but they been nice earners for only a couple of days....But talking about living on the edge.
Hate tempting fate...but, i'm kept going!! Just won another job for a full week. Money's not brilliant but it beats doing nufink :RpS_thumbup:
cheers monk got a few bits pulled forward and might have do abit for an agency in till i can get on this EWI job in a couple of week, but if you here of anything mate, would appreciate it. off to oz in a couple of month so need save the pennies!
cheers monk got a few bits pulled forward and might have do abit for an agency in till i can get on this EWI job in a couple of week, but if you here of anything mate, would appreciate it. off to oz in a couple of month so need save the pennies!
k mate
no complaints booked up for next 7 weeks,just turned 2 jobs down as well which i hate doing, but not getting carried away, lot of lads up here in carlisle very very quiet.
Just finished house bashing today and had nowt till the end of the month and luckily picked up another bashin job tonight.Learned my lesson a while back about panicing and chasing work and wasting money on advertising. Let the work come to you seems to be the way forward. Keep calm and carry on as they say...........:RpS_thumbup:
how do you work if you dnt drive????

Hi Mate,

I use my mountain bike to get to work & i ask the customers to supply the plaster for me & any other big items.
I also have a small trailer for my bike for my buckets & tools. You might laugh but it works for me. I haven't passed my driving test yet.

I could'nt survive without transport.....

I have got transport mate read above.

But if i have to work out of town i just jump on a bus.
It's never been a problem for me not having a car.
Dont get me wrong it will be a lot easier when i pass my test.
You use a mountain bike or the bus. getting the bus must be canny interesting with all ya tools, buckets, levels, straight edge, mixer etc...................WTF..........:RpS_laugh:
ive lost count of the amount of times ive turned up at a job and what i was goin to do wassnt ready so ive had to do something else requiring a totally different toolset, if your on a bike carrying basic kit what do you do if the above happens?? cycle all the way home to change kit?
whens ya test then?
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