err? bonding and hardwall together?

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Chris W

Well-Known Member
now, ive mixed hardwall and bonding together before over masonary with no ill effects but ive got a bit of filling out to do where the board is 10mm below finish, and half the backing plaster is missing round the edge (old serving hatch blocked up by customer)
so rather that knock up a bit of harwall for the masonary and a bit of bonding for the board why not mix the two together? im guessing it'll stick to the board ok?

im bored...

to be honest i prolly should have knocked up an extra 1/2 bucket of dabbin today and used that ;D
In that situation I'd just slap a bit of pva on the masonry & use bonding over the masonry & the board.
I'd agree with nisus, if you got enough bonding you can use it over both backgrounds...although i probly wouldn't even bother with the pva i'd just give the background a drink....bonding'll stick to anything whereas, as you know, hardwall don't stick well to boards (as i found out once years ago when a load fell off)
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