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went to see a job today its 2 gable ends which have been boarded out then vapour barrier them eml with 2 coats sand and cement its very solid but the lines where the eml meet are showing hairline cracks i dont really want to strip it off as it is sound is there any product which could be used over this then painted ??????????
in a situation like this i would switch over to a modern thin and flexible system. this comprises of an adhesive which is like tile adhesive that has a fibreglass mesh embedded in it. this gives a crackproof base for a flexible acrylic/silicone coloured thin coat finish which would solve the hairline problem and look mint at the end too.
it was overlapped ,thin coat would be good but expensive and i need to match it in with smooth sand cement
get some hi build on it, trowel on and then texture how you like usually stipple roller its coloured so you dont need to paint white or maggy its flexible 2. Personally i think its a load of sh1t3 but it is a cover up product made by weber or sandtex johnstones etc.
acrilic renders are not that expensive and they are just the job to fix this problem using parex system give the walls a tight coat of maite base coat and embed mesh in this is only 2-3mm thick trowel flat as you can... its a sod to work with but any lines can be taken down the next day with a carburundum then give it a 1mm top coat of dpr fine finish... have a look here
Apparently Parex mate' can be sponge finished and can be ordered in loads of colours (standard is off white) and is an excellent dash receiver
iv seen a job 2 day were it was timber frame then they wrapped it in wot looks like breathable felt. then they battoned it out and put mesh to the battons with washers. then scratched it up and looks like they will be adding beads next time to top coat it. is this a normal technique
i should have said that the gables are painted already so i doubt the highbuild would stick??? would have been ideal
pwi said:
flynnyman said:
pwi said:
i should have said that the gables are painted already so i doubt the highbuild would stick??? would have been ideal

highbuild will still stick just scrape of the loose.

would you sbr first never used the gear

na straight on they have a sealer i think but ive never used it its quite pricey so shop around.
not for float finish. think of it as a thick paint apply it, texture when wet, (straight away) and then leave it - job done. you can spray it also
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