Eggshell finish or Glass

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I have allways been taught to do a like eggshell finish as if u make it like glass the paint wont stick and i was working away 2day when my gaffer pulled me and said he wanted all ceilings and walls like glass!!! Now can anyone advise me on how to get this glass like finish? I can get it in the middle of the wall but not all over for some unknown reason cheers lads!
when its just been final trowelled it'll feel like glass, this is because its damp... less friction.... when it dries it'll feel like eggshell
if it feels like glass when its dry youve over polished it and paint wont stick..
you really wanna (french word) your gaffer up..second wet trowel then another dry will be glass....this will then be too glass like for paint.. and poor painter will be sanding.....
...gaffers a kok
i once got told of an old hand that a hessian sack rubbed over dry plaster if its highly polished will give a perfect key for paint?
If you aint gotta paint it,then give him what he wants Glass.
Its easy to do....polish as normal but once its brown allover and just starting to turn pink in a few places here and there wrap a lint free cloth around the polishing trowel and working horizontly across the wall with 2 hands on the trowel apply as much pressure as u dare without damaging the boards.
Its called cross troweling mate, this will put a shine on the walls like the shine on the end of my cock watching a lesbo porn movie.
whats the point of the cloth pal ive never seen that before, if u run a plastic trowel over the wall it will make it shine like f**k u can buy them or make your own out of a fire exit sign
On a site I used to work on the decorator was a right laugh, we were always finding new ways to wind each other up. One method I found worked a treat was to polish obscenities into the walls which only showed up as he put his first coat on, he then had to sand the said area quickly as it looked as if he had painted the foul words on. ha ha ha
I was taught to do it with a cloth and a trowel so i see no need to purchase a plastic trowel.
Ive heard a lot about them but will stick to my way.
you can get the same finish with just the steel blade so u dont really need the plastic but it just so easy with one no pressure needed just a quick run over an hey presto shining like a shithouse door
napper83 said:
you can get the same finish with just the steel blade so u dont really need the plastic but it just so easy with one no pressure needed just a quick run over an hey presto shining like a (german word)house door
thank fcuk for that, someone not talking bollox, you know what you can do with ya plastic trowles ;)
if the plastic are so good please tell me why marshall town and tyzack aint producing them on mass scale right here in the U.K ?????
because there is no reall need for them other than to put a false polish on a wall thats all it does and all the lads i know that have got them are home made quick run over after the last trowel puts a shine on it an on to the next gauge
i thought plastic trowels were for epoxy's?.....
for glass.just give it another quick wet trowel then dry /burnish/polish trowel....
anti lint cloths, plastic trowels ...sounds silly.........thje whole point of this is you dont want to shine your work !!!!! ...and as for putting a cloth on your trowel wtf......strange behaviour
If you really want to piss your painter off ;)and get a mirror shine on your walls ......
then you need to get a good quality plastic bag and turn it inside out and rub the walls with it
and after a while you can see your face in it. ;D ;D
As has been said polished is no good for the decorator but when a silly Architec wants it just wet it down the next day and cross trowel it.
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