Edit button?

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Yeah, my letter ' ' oesn't bloo y print, what's going on?
amn you anny it must be something you've one :RpS_cursing:
Basically I have disabled it after someone threatened legal action.... they printed the thread off and then went and editedceveryobevof their threads so that when I went to read it I had zero idea what was going on....

It sucks but its something i had to do.... maybe i will enable it on members that have a high post count but for now i will see how it goes.

Danny will appreciate us letting him run the forum ha ha, too many sensitive tits out there, its a forum with the usual tongue in cheek banter, why do people get so upset apart from the time spunky, nisus,flynny made me cry I have loved it...
@Nisus I have now made it that people with 1000 posts or more can edit posts as it tends to be newer members that cause the issues :-)

Unfortunately a minority do spoil it for the majority but i suppose thats life :-)

All the best

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@Nisus I have now made it that people with 1000 posts or more can edit posts as it tends to be newer members that cause the issues :-)

Unfortunately a minority do spoil it for the majority but i suppose thats life :-)

All the best


1000 quotes is rather extreme: it may take some members several years to reach that goal. 250-500 post seems more reasonable :-)
Mike you can click the Preview post button or go advanced button before you post to check for errors & edit them that way before you post :RpS_thumbup:
2800 should be the minimum , after checking certain statistics , I have found this to be the most fair.... maybe move it to 2900 tomorrow danny,,,,
Samsung galaxy s2's running chrome have a nasty habit of jumbling up letters when you aint looking so it looks like i will be proofreading or correcting mistakes in another post lol. See your point though Danny, the ones that cant handle the banter on here must be a blubbering wreck on sites lol
Samsung galaxy s2's running chrome have a nasty habit of jumbling up letters when you aint looking so it looks like i will be proofreading or correcting mistakes in another post lol. See your point though Danny, the ones that cant handle the banter on here must be a blubbering wreck on sites lol

Yeah I know... I would love it to be free reign but its too risky and I need to protect the site... I have a lot of resources involved in it so dont want to risk it :-)

I am samsung as well so know exactly what you mean :-) as long as its readable :-)
1000 quotes is rather extreme: it may take some members several years to reach that goal. 250-500 post seems more reasonable :-)

if everyone takes a leaf out of johnboys book then the 1000 post count wont take long!! bet hes fingers are killing
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everyone takes a leaf out of johnboys book then the 1000 post count wont take long!! bet hes fingers are killing
Sorry , been busy on the family research, found my grt grt grt grt grt grandfather had been threatened by the Rockites in Ireland in 1831 , I had never heard of them , but here it was James fitzpatrick 1831 ,house broken into and threats made asking him to leave his lands(rented ) from major cas sans , French Huguenot aligned to the British , the French Huguenots were given land in Ireland by the British in returns for helping in the wars, cas sans great great grandson became an actor and played the part of boy alongside johnnie weizmuller in Tarzan, I became a plasterer ha ha. I am on a few forums but have spent a decent percentage on plasterers forum, ancestory.com etc.
im not bothered about my family tree but id like to know more about my dads dad, he was a pow in Burma for 4 years, I dont know what regiment he was in but i do now he refused his war medals when he got home and never spoke to anyone about the deaths and what the japs did apart from my mother
im not bothered about my family tree but id like to know more about my dads dad, he was a pow in Burma for 4 years, I dont know what regiment he was in but i do now he refused his war medals when he got home and never spoke to anyone about the deaths and what the japs did apart from my mother
My first cousins grandfather was in Burmah too, came from Ireland aged seventeen, conscripted and got three years in Burmah, he apparently never spoke of it either, lovely man, happy with a pint and game of 25, you would never have known he ever had any bad experiences, god bless them all.
i know little of him :RpS_blushing: he died when I was 9 months old, i know that he was shot, he was a prisoner for 4 years in Burma and thats about it
I once asked a bloke from our local British Legion who knew him to see if he could get me some info and after a few months he came back to me saying something like only very close family members are allowed info!! wtf is all that about
My sister in-laws grt uncle was a Jap pow he worked on THE BRIDGE He loved her eldest son to bits and took him everywhere but, when the lad left school and took an engineering apprenticeship with a Japanese company the uncle never spoke to him again. He did tell me some stuff and not very nice.
Every power in the world is guilty of war crimes of one sort or the other, that's why the big powers have to move on with the present time and into the future.
sorry ye my granddad worked on bridges too not sure which, if I remember right he use to blow things up and make metal pots and pans for everyone
ye, think he sold lucky heather, put guttering up and robbed people while they were out too lol
I have found that I can edit my posts in the plasterers arms ( not that I have of course) I also noticed that I can't start a new thread or a new post in the news section, is this just me or everyone?
No you cant post in the news section... that is a section for only myself and the mods to post important news into :-)

I am not worried about editing posts in the plasterers arms as this is not a public forum....
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