Dutch pins

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Does anyone on here that works on there own use Dutch pins / Masons clamps for holding straight edges to screed off external corners ??

Theres loads on flea bay most in packs of two but some in packs of five for the same price, are they cheap for a reason ? Any reputable makes or are cheap and nasty just as good ?

Depends how often you're gonna need them, useful bit of kit but C & N's are probably good enough for one-off use :RpS_thumbup:
Still don't it? Do these get knocked into the brick joints and somehow hold the straightedge tight to the wall edge? So on your tods you can work up to a straight edge without needing someone to hold it for you?

Tap the nail section into the brick joint until the bent section is just touching the straight-edge. Twist the bent section away, gently tap the pin slightly further into the joint and twist the bent section back to secure the straight-edge. 'spare thumbs' :RpS_thumbup:
Great for uneven brickwork that needs straightening up,normally when you nail the straightedge on uneven brickwork at the top and then the bottom the top nail always pops out
Great for uneven brickwork that needs straightening up,normally when you nail the straightedge on uneven brickwork at the top and then the bottom the top nail always pops out
A guy showed me a trick for that some years ago. What you do is drill/roto-hammer a hole through your screed and into the brick or concrete wall. Make sure that the hole is almost the width of two nails, slide one nail into the hole and then gently knock the other nail into the same hole for a nice temporary fastening.
they are great use them a lot great for fixing battens to sit your drip beads on externals. and also for any in stu cornice work fix the running rule up with them and a dap of casting plaster over the pins solid! just when you ve run the cornice tap with a hammer the pins come away sweet , i brought 2 big buckets full of them back when i came back from the vaterland!! but my mates kept nicking them!! stuy
I have loads of these and use them all the time for all sorts of things. It's worth buying good quality. I usually just buy a pair at a time of it's a brand I haven't used before in case they are no good. One set I bought were really weak and started to bend after the first go with them so I lobbed them in the scrap metal that I give to the local gypsies. :LOL:
I was given some by a old spread when I was working in Australia 2002.
Great bit of kit for pinning timber boards for corner profiles.
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