drywall adhesive

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just wondering if its possible to use adhesive for fitting external beads prior to rendering,its just a a pain fitting them with morter and i always usually fit beads interior with adhesive to stop them binging off.can't see a few dabs making a problem unless of course it affects the sratch coat in any way.
I have just done a job where the previous spreads/chancers stuck their beads with drywall adhesive. The rendering looks lovely apart from you can see where the dabs of adhesive were on the bead now the render has dried out, looks like shadows under the render.

Dont do it !

it has been a practice by renders for ages and i admit i have done it . the problem is if there is any problems then you are really in the s**t. why take the risk, lord and downing do sell a beading mortor. I have used some rapid cement before now.
I think fixing beads using one of the polymer modified renders is fine and easy to work with but if your using traditional S&C then I prefer to nail the beads up or if needed screwed. When dry fixed you can work straight on the beads with no fear of knocking a bead off.
in the big bad usathere would be specialist teams of eml ers going over plywood usuallt 2nd floor these guys were good and they used to put beads up with tiny nails called stub nail went in concrete etc they used magnetic hammers.

the way they got there beads straight using no straight edges or levels was say the wing of the bead was 50mm they would make a mark say 40 or 35 mm away from external corner top and bottom and then ping a line through them, then nain bead with edge of wing running down snapped line and hey presto
gonna take a punt then and assume masonary nails are rustproof cos of the chrome to harden em up? :P
them magnetic hammers are s**t hot i had one with a groove on the top that u rested the rail in for the first strike no hitting your thumb ;D ;D
Chris W said:
gonna take a punt then and assume masonry nails are rustproof cos of the chrome to harden em up? :P

Sorry Chris but masonry nails are not rustproof, although they don't rust as badly as galvanised nails.
I've just had to do some repair work on one of the renders I did about 5 years ago, I'd used a mixture of 40mm galvanised nails some masonry nails with washers (mickey pins) and 30mm stainless clouts. I was really surprised to find the galvanised nails had all but rusted away and the mickey pins had some rust on them even having been completely covered with waterproof render. Of course the render itself will hold the bead in place and there isn't enough rust of a nail to push the render off. Having seen this I'm just glad that I fix all my external EML with stainless nails.
f'ck me...
still, they do say galvo bead external is a no-no... and these days stainless beads arent that much dearer...
well the old 50mm polytops they use for fascias are a1 stainless... go in a brown lug loverly, ringshanks too..
if you nail your drips on just have a look at them when done, i bet there like a donkeys leg, the correct way to bead is bed them on end of. another way for drip is to nail a batten along the wall line and rest the drip on that then apply your beds. cant beleive people nail there beads on.
i use hammer fixings and packers and i glue the corners......i've got a special jacket that i wear it's got pockets for all my glue and hammer fixings and my ipod.....i loves a day beading me.....tidy like.....do i?
cant beat it , looking across the valley like, watching the girlfriend running around the valley with her friends. real tidy like. crackin it is like.
essexandy said:
What sort of price are they Chris as stainless clouts cost a bloody fortune.
ah, well, y'see... theres the rub, theyre not exactly cheap...
however, all this 'uPVC ancillaries' stuff was in the silly markup brigade not too long ago but these days its a lot cheaper due to the competition so if you trolly off down the nearest backstreet 'building plastics' supplier covered in silicon in an old rusty transit you'll stand a good chance of getting em cheaper...
Failing that make freinds with the local safestyle fitter and he'll have a van full.... and another one next week if you buy him a beer ;)
Failing that...t'internet...
ill have a quick shufty...
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