Drylining and insulating solid wall recessed cupboard

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Hi Guys, i have a brick recessed area in the lounge (removed the original cupboard due to damp in the wood).
I am planning to fix some battens to the solid wall using frame fixings and then screw the plasterboard onto them. Will be using damproof membrane against the solid behind the battens. was thinking about installing insulation as well. Is there actually any point in doing this since it is only about 1m wide and the rest of the wall is not insulated? Just checking the good people's thoughts on that, as i don't want to be wasting money if it makes no sense. Anything else i should look out for?
Take it easy.
oh...i forgot to say that the cause of the initial damp has been found and resolved so it should be OK now. The plastic membrane is an extra security...in my head eally. :)
why dont you just insulate it all. Battons will waste space. Use the steel mushroom head pins to fix them to the wall. No point insulating a bit of the wall
Insulate it if its an area that condensates ,if not and the area is warm enough ,there is no real advantage, I would use treated battens instead of a membrane. The membrane will puncture anyway as you fix the board.use foil back plasterboard. There will be lots of options and opinions on this.
Fatarm, The plan was to place the membrane against the solid walls then drill through battens, membrane and solid walls and install frame fixing plugs and screws.

Coptaza, i do not have the rest of the wall in a state where it can be insulated as it is finished and there if an old fireplace and another recessed cupboard along that same wall. Looks like i may not need that afterall then. Not worked with the steel mushrooms fixings you are talking about. Will have a little google for them in a minute. I may use this is no insulation needs to be put behind the plasterboard.

Johniosaif, yes i know about the puncture in the membrane which defeats the purpose of the membrane itself. I have some 15mm plasterboard left and wanted to use that rather than buy something else.
Thanks for all the answers guys. Looks like i probably won't be insulated if there will be no real benefit given the small area concerned. Any pointers on how these mushroom head fixing work???
If you want to go down the path of membrane and batten, use the plastic plugs designed for the job.
You can get plugs that are pre holed to take a screw for fixin battens. use of the plastic plugs won't compromise the purpose of the membrane
Drylining and insulating solid wall recessed cupboard
or you can fix membrane with the standard plastic plugs and dab boards on.
Drylining and insulating solid wall recessed cupboard
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Also found these for a bit less. Link Removed. Anyone knows which are the better quality ones? I think i will go with this install using battens and these insulation fixings to sandwich the membrane between the solid wall and the battens. I may just add some polystyrene between the plasterboard an the membrane as insulation. Hopefully that will work. Busy night ahead...
If you put your membrane up an use the plugs to fix through your batten and through the membrane, the batten will take up some depth of the plug,:RpS_thumbup: so yeah they plugs would do the job . .....have a nice evening :RpS_biggrin:
Just a wild thought...hammer fixing would work just as good wouldn't they? The plastic plug would go through the battens, membrane and then solid wall. I am sure there is a difference somewhere but, just wondering and trying to learn a few more tricks and NO NOs...:RpS_laugh:
Think with the hammer fixing the plug opens up when you tighten it? Exposing the steel screw to the damp and could transfer through to the board?mabye leave damp spots at the screw heads?:RpS_unsure:
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Hammer fixings do not form part of the seal. They would not really be part of the proper process might as well use nails and dpc .
Think with the hammer fixing the plug opens up when you tighten it? Exposing the steel screw to the damp and could transfer through to the board?mabye leave damp spots at the screw heads?:RpS_unsure:

Yes i thought about that but, the plugs do have a "lip" (don't know the technical term...the edge that prevents it from disappearing inside the wall) on them which would prevent the screw head from actually touching the wood. Saying that, the "lip" is no way near as large as the one on the proper insulated fixing, which is actually more like a full disc than just a lip...and there is no metallic part involved. Will defo use that but was just curious. Thanks again for the wealth of knowledge and good sense. Take it easy.
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