Drying times float and set question

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Looks dry and pink on top, but is it dry underneath?
At what point is it safe to paint?
Does it need to be dry all the way through?
If so how do you tell?
Have you paid the plasterer?
Did you make him cups of tea?
Answer No, Do not do anything to the wall
Answer Yes Light pink all over, safe to paint with mist coat.
Looks dry and pink on top, but is it dry underneath?
At what point is it safe to paint?
Does it need to be dry all the way through?
If so how do you tell?
As long as it is contract as chrispie says you can go on it soon as touch dry, the paint allows moisture to escape.
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Suck my @matt ocks

Aawwwh! Matt-ron!!

kenneth williams oooh emoticon.gif