dry dashing job

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Private Member
Have a dashing job to finish in west yorkshire,
just a couple of days for an expierienced lad to jump on with us,
fairly flexible what days.
£180 day rate

if anyone can spare a couple of days sometime over next few week
drop us a pm cheers
got job done today, with warriorupnorth and his lads.
sound job.
thanks to all other lads that sent pms to us aswell.
BLOODY HELL , a job advertised on here and done with no p iss taking wind ups , or sarcasm involved :o must be a first ..... ;D
church said:
BLOODY HELL , a job advertised on here and done with no p iss taking wind ups , or sarcasm involved :o must be a first ..... ;D

no its not... once you get past the t$$sas there are some decent lads here
Render Systems said:
church said:
BLOODY HELL , a job advertised on here and done with no p iss taking wind ups , or sarcasm involved :o must be a first ..... ;D

no its not... once you get past the t$$sas there are some decent lads here
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