Dreamteam Season 2

1Clarky's 11Andy Clark1743View
2Bubbles 66Alan Irving1498View
3Alreet MarraGeordie Jackhammer1496View
4sprout bag mastersrobert price1393View
5flyingfivesscott fyfe1323View
6NPS ROVERSian keye1278View
7fatarm roversJames McBride1187View
8stus plumsstuart aitken1146View
9Scissors SquadRichard Lord1061View
10big jock knew fcSteve Bednell941View
:RpS_thumbdn:..............like your lass keeps telling me............your a little premature..........................:RpS_biggrin:
Clarky's 11Andy Clark1743View
2Alreet MarraGeordie Jackhammer1498View
3Bubbles 66Alvin Irving1496View
4sprout bag mastersrobert price1393View
5flyingfivesscott fyfe1323View
6NPS ROVERSian keye1278View
7fatarm roversJames McBride1187View
8stus plumsstuart aitken1146View
9Scissors SquadRichard Lord1061View
10big jock knew fcSteve Bednell941

:RpS_sneaky: @bubbles65
1Clarky's 11Andy Clark1770View
2Alreet MarraGeordie Jackhammer1537View
3Bubbles 66Alan Irving1530View
4sprout bag mastersrobert price1417View
5flyingfivesscott fyfe1339View
6NPS ROVERSian keye1309View
7fatarm roversJames McBride1223View
8stus plumsstuart aitken1152View
9Scissors SquadRichard Lord1067View
10big jock knew fcSteve Bednell964
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Lol....heading for last day drama:RpS_scared:

whens the next transfer window??? A few good signings an al catch yous cooonts:rolleyes)......:RpS_lol:
We have a few of the same players so it's hard to gain any distance. Although I did lose points from the Liverpool game cos my goal keeper is proper websters
:RpS_laugh: Yeah he is, kinda gutted for Liverpool but pleased their defence is shoit at the same time for my Dreamteam points. Still didn't expect them to cave in like that last night though :RpS_scared:
I've got one player involved t'neet I think so this thumb is up your ar$e :RpS_thumbup:

Eat my dust Alvin @bubbles65

1Clarky's 11Andy Clark1788View
2Alreet MarraGeordie Jackhammer1565View
3Bubbles 66Alan Irving1553View
4sprout bag mastersrobert price1442View
5flyingfivesscott fyfe1350View
6NPS ROVERSian keye1322View
7fatarm roversJames McBride1259View
8stus plumsstuart aitken1167View
9Scissors SquadRichard Lord1074View
10big jock knew fcSteve Bednell982
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Yeah yeah. We were looking to qualify for Europe so we're happy. The chairman has extended my contract anyhoo.
Final Places for the season lads...............I will get onto the sponsors for the prices and dish out the prize money the morn

1st clarky........................£100
2nd Arti............................£ 60
3rd Alvin...........................£ 40
10th Beddy.......................Wooden Spoon

1Clarky's 11Andy Clark1814View
2Alreet MarraGeordie Jackhammer1605View
3Bubbles 66Alan Irving1579View
4sprout bag mastersrobert price1483View
5flyingfivesscott fyfe1379View
6NPS ROVERSian keye1363View
7fatarm roversJames McBride1294View
8stus plumsstuart aitken1199View
9Scissors SquadRichard Lord1111View
10big jock knew fcSteve Bednell1003
@bubbles65 @NPS @Runswithscissors @beddy @Fatarm @stuart23 @scottie5 @jeanclaudevangyproc @Speedskim @Plasterers1StopShop @PICSbob @Danny
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It will but the gaps between everyone is two big as we don't have many Arsenal players in our teams. I don't mind waiting if you want marra