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Got rid of scaff to do ceiling
Got rid of spot board
Got rid of lab
Now i am getting ri d of handboard or hawk y because i put skimming onto trowel with bucktet trowel and i mite get rid of f**k**g van and get bus so f**k it

You've missed off your trowel!
Got rid of scaff to do ceiling
Got rid of spot board
Got rid of lab
Now i am getting ri d of handboard or hawk y because i put skimming onto trowel with bucktet trowel and i mite get rid of f**k**g van and get bus so f**k it
Are you using a trohawk instead ..?
Got rid of scaff to do ceiling
Got rid of spot board
Got rid of lab
Now i am getting ri d of handboard or hawk y because i put skimming onto trowel with bucktet trowel and i mite get rid of f**k**g van and get bus so f**k it
A polish kid was once on a job and put gear on his trowel with bucket trowel . It was painful to watch i even offered him a handboard but refused