dot'n'dab a wooden lintle

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Got an area above a window were the backing plaster blew due to laths comming away from lintel. The centre of the lintel has droped slightly due to being 1930's. Would I be better of boarding it, then dot'n'dabing it to enable it to disguise the sag. The thickness off the plaster would allow for this. I am also wondering if pvaing the lintel would work. I know that plaster a wood don't mix, but is this the same with plasterboard adhesive? Also doea anyone know how long it takes for backing plasters to seperate from wooden back grounds. Are we talking years or decades? Ciao
You can't dab onto wood, you could screw some board to the wood and then dab onto this, or you will have to fix eml and bond it or dab to the eml
i have done it a few times,screw board to the soffit leave it over hanging so the wall board will rest on it,if there are bricks showing above the lintel i dab to those then put little dabs where the boards meet.
So really i'm bridging the lintel, i wouldn't risk it straight onto the timber.
It's at my mums house so it's having lining paper on it, cos if I do one room then the whole house will want doing. Just found out my brother's just boarded it for me to skim and blend in. I was planning on just dot'n'bading, then filling round the egde. God knows what the undet side of the lintle looks like now
flynnyman said:
dab it to get it straight then add screws to hold it
lewisricekrispy if you do ever have to screw into dabs make sure you drill pilot holes first cos i've found that the screws won't bite and the paper on the board will get churned up.
Forgot to reply. I ended up pvaing lintle. Dot'n'dabed then wacked some screws half way so not to move board. Worked well, cheers guys. Also tape and jointed it, sorted
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