Do I need 1 or 2 scratch coats before roughcasting

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New Member
Started the first of many garden walls today chaps, it was straight onto new blockwork and I only used 1 fairly heavy coat of s+c and straightnd of a little and scratched with devil float.
By the time I had finished i noticed that the 1st couple of walls had started to dry and the joint lines were beginning to show through. Will this still be noticable after I have roughcasted the walls.
I havent done this type of work in a while and as the price on this job was very tight I didnt want to spent too many days on scratchcoats and I thought I would use a heavy reciever coat .
Just scratch it as normal, then when you are ready to dash a butter coat then throw your dash into that you wont see the mortar beds btw you need 2 mixers for wet dash
pftmonojetman said:
Just scratch it as normal, then when you are ready to dash a butter coat then throw your dash into that you wont see the mortar beds btw you need 2 mixers for wet dash

No need for 2 mixers for wetdash, just mix up an chuck it into barrow or tub then mix another an so on.
Ive never had any probs chucking the dash onto a devil floated dry wall, was just wondering if the joint lines would show through when its all dried out . :)
This is what they call ghosting happens a lot on retaining walls or where there is a lot of water in the block I bet you soaked the wall to much and the lines are just where the water was trapped .and as said don't use a devil float as there isn't any key for s-c
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