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New Member
anyone know the best method for getting rid of this horrible sh!te in old buildings, spent ages scraping it back the other day, and im not skimming straight over it, i'll only make that mistake once
artex do a product called stabilex for this, paint it on then pva or wba once its dry, good as gold.
whats worse than distemper....?

distemper thats been over painted!! :(
omf gooooodddddd!!!
neat, the only place i've seen it for sale is brewers. jewsons do a stablising solution but it doesn't fix distemper, don't buy it!
its an chalky old paint they used to put in old houses, its flame retardent ( i think ) but skim dosnt stick to it at all it just blisters and falls off
Just to jump on the band wagon guys, I too have not heard of anything that you can paint straight onto distemper - The only proven method I have used is sugar soap all the walls - ball aching I know, but it works
ah sugar soap! especially if its that horrible vinyl silk stuff good wash down and a good scratch + PVA tho im yet to try WBA

all about the prep 8-)
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