Different when dry

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New Member
Hi Folks

I just skimmed some plasterboard and it all look smooth as a babies bum when I finished, when back a couple of ever so small 50p size dents in the plaster, which wasn't there before.

Any tips on how to ensure this doesn't happen again.

With regards to polishing, I waiting for 10 ish mins and polished then. I used board finish as well.

Thank you in advance
when im trowling up i always look for any inperfctions in the wall or ceiling and go over them with a bit of fat but you do have to look closely though.
was it nailed? just thought that a hammerhead is about the same size as a 50p...i always screw em on...
I was going to say that you might have used fat to fill in slacks or misses that shrank back when it dried (sorry gps)
i usually find that fat off the side of the bucket fills a lot better than fat off the trowel (still wet)
sorry gary no idea what ur talking about, read what i said, when im trowling up not when dried.
yes it was fat of the trowel, so I'll try using the fat from the bucket next time and see if this helps

thanks all
I never use fat be it from the trowel or the side of the bucket to fill in any slacks etc, always keep a of the original mix on my spot and use that.

gps what I meant was that I find fat shrinks as it dries out.
If you run out of mix or labourer has cleaned bucket and have to fill any hollows etc, scrape some plaster off bottom of wall at skirting board level, never going to see it when skirtings go on.
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