different angled ,angle bead

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New Member
been to price a job up today ... anyway part of it is a sloped ceiling wot leads into a small window half way down the slope i need to put anglebead up but the angle is greater than 90 . do they do beads wi wider angles and wheres best place to get em from ... cheers
no, you can't buy angle bead greater than 90 degrees! if you're very careful you can bend it, but its very tricky to get right. the correct way to do it is to use stop end bead, you just fix it 3mm proud of your angle and skim to it as normal.
If its say 130 deg, i normally just splay out the angle bead and hold it in place with 40mm oval nails, put some spare multi on whilst skimming elsewhere, remove nails carefully, needs a fair amount laying on first coat, always turns out fine.
you can get stop beads 4 skimmin wickes sell em because they have only one side you can use em on different angles ;) ;) ;)
ive had a go at widening the 90 degree beads b4 .didn,t do it to well >:(so if i use a stop bead can i still skim both sides ????
if you get the mesh skim beads these flatten out sound, skim stop beads are sound but if it gets a knock it cracks quite easilly.
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